Top Five LGBTQ+ Novels


Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm.  There are so many LGBTQ+ books out there that I absolutely adore, and it was difficult for me to narrow it down to just these five.  I will definitely post a list of more of my favourites in the future!

Tin Man by Sarah Winman



Tin Man is one of my favourite novels of all time.  I have talked about this book so many times since I read it in June but I can not and will not stop gushing about it! It has made me want to read about more almost love stories.  This book weighed so heavy on my heart and I will not soon forgot these two characters.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid



The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is just as good as everyone says that it is! Evelyn Hugo is one of my favourite characters and she feels like a real person.  I was enamored by her and her story, and I force this book on pretty much everyone in my life.  Those who have read it have also loved it!

Wild Beauty by Anna-Maria McLemore



Wild Beauty seems to come up a lot in the Top 5 Tuesday posts, but that is for a good reason.  I was absolutely charmed by this novel and all of the characters. From the reviews that I have seen, the bisexual representation is excellent.  This is a book that I try to get everyone to read! The magical realism stunning, and it is a story that has stayed with me.

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller



The Song of Achilles is the story of Achilles and the Trojan War told from the perspective of Achilles’s lover, Patroclus, and it was absolutely fantastic! Madeline Miller has made me fall in love with Greek Mythology.  This book was so emotional and even though I knew how the story would end, I was still not prepared for it!

Less by Andrew Sean Greer



Less won the Pulitzer Prize this year, and after reading it, I can totally understand why! This is a novel following an author who accepts every literary event that he is invited to around the world in an attempt to avoid his ex-boyfriend’s wedding. Reading about his travels had me laughing out loud! I completely fell in love with Arthur Less!  I so appreciated that a joyful and satirical novel won the Pulitzer Prize.  It was a nice change from the heavier and more serious novels that usually win.

39 thoughts on “Top Five LGBTQ+ Novels

  1. Such a good list!!! Tin Man, Seven Husbands, and The Song of Achilles are all favorites of mine as well <3 I really need to read Less soon!

  2. Your whole post is basically all the books I’ve been wanting to read for ages and shamefully haven’t yet! lol It’s especially bad because all of these books have such glowing reviews and such passionate fan bases. Why can’t book nerds just get like an extra day off a week to devote to our reading?? =D

  3. I didn’t know some of these books had LGBT+ representation! I’ve only read The Song of Achilles so far, but I can’t wait to read the rest.

  4. I’ve been wanting to read Tin Man! I hear it’s excellent. Also, The Song of Achilles is one of my all time favorites even though the ending broke my heart!! 😭

  5. I was *this close* to adding Wild Beauty and The Song of Achilles to my list! I loved them both. The relationship in The Song of Achilles just tore my heart in a million pieces!
    Thanks for participating – added you to the list 🙂

  6. The Seven Husband seems a huge hit today Kristin! Great choices here and I think I saw Tin Man in another of your posts recently …

  7. I haven’t read any of these but I have Less on my Kindle and I’ve heard great things about Tin Man. Have you read Amberlough? I really liked that one.

  8. I’ve heard Tin Man is good, and I adored The Song of Achilles! One recommendation I have is English Animals, which isn’t mainly about the fact that the character is gay but more as a side plot, which is also great.

  9. Just discovered your blog 🙂 Great post. Evelyn Hugo and Less are definitely high on my TBR list, waiting on my shelf. I heard many people liking them 🙂

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