TTT- Winter TBR (Why TBRs Do Not Work for Me)


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that was created over at The Broke and the Bookish! This week we are supposed to share our Winter TBRs! You may have noticed that I very rarely ever post a TBR and that is because I am horrible at sticking to them.  I have posted a Summer and a Fall TBR and both have been an epic failure. I only read 3 out of the 9 books on my Summer TBR and 3 out of the 10 books on my Fall TBR!

I am 100 percent a mood reader so it is very difficult for me to predict which books I will read in the near future.  One minute I am in the mood for historical fiction and the next I want to read SciFi. I also buy books at random and I never really know what I will end up buying. There have been so many cases where I plan to read a certain novel but I end up buying a new one that I want to read right away and the original book is all but forgotten.

All that being said I am going to post a Winter TBR but I have my doubts that I will be able to stick to it! You might also notice that a few of these were on my Fall and even my Summer TBRs… I would love to know your opinion on TBRs and whether or not you are able to follow them!

Legend by Marie Lu


Having recently read Warcross by Marie Lu, I now want to read her others books! I have heard about Legend for years but just never picked it up.  I have been wanting to get back in to dystopian novels so I am excited about this one.

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty


Liane Moriarty’s novels are so fun to read! I always read her books very quickly so they are perfect to help me out of a reading slump. My friend actually bought this book and he keeps asking what I thought of it so I really should read it some time soon!

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill


I recently shared the synopsis for The Lonely Hearts Hotel on my blog and I am really excited about it.  I just have this feeling that I am going to love this book!

Britt Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman


Why haven’t I read this book yet?? I know I am going to love it! It is very high on my TBR. I actually hope to read a few of Fredrik Backman’s this winter.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown


I read and loved Red Rising earlier this year and I have been meaning to pick up the second book ever since.  I have been told that Golden Son is even better than Red Rising!

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


This is the same story as Red Rising.  I loved Illuminae and have been meaning to read Gemina ever since.

Uncommon Type: Some Stories by Tom Hanks


This book is on my Christmas list and I am so intrigued by it. I love Tom Hanks and I have heard excellent things about his writing.

Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu


Wonder Woman: Warbringer was such a good book! I had such a fun time reading it and I can not wait to read every book in this series.  The fact that Marie Lu wrote this book is another bonus!

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

Image result for salt to the sea

Whenever I mention that I love WWII fiction someone recommends either this book or Between Shades of Grey.  I can not believe that I have not read one of her books yet! I took advantage of the Black Friday sale of Book Outlet and this was one of the books that I picked up.  It is high on my priority list!

On Hitler’s Mountain: Overcoming the Legacy of a Nazi Childhood by Irmgard A. Hunt


I have read a lot of non fiction WWII novels, but never from the perspective of a person who was a German child at the time. I usually try to read a few non fiction novels a year but haven’t been so great about that in 2017! I am hoping to do better!

Untitled design

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Please let me know whether or not you follow a TBR!

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55 thoughts on “TTT- Winter TBR (Why TBRs Do Not Work for Me)

  1. I listened to the audiobook of Salt to the Sea and it was wonderful! They had a different actor for each POV. If you have a long commute or exercise routine that allows you to listen to books, I highly recommend the audiobook. The story was wonderful so reading it is a good way to go too, of course!

  2. i totally know what you mean about tbrs. it’s so weird posting them and knowing, that you’ll read something completely different 😀
    YAY to fredrik backman! i don’t have that book yeat, because i want to read the grandmother too. but if i’ll finish it before, maybe we could do a buddy read for “brit-marie”?
    and wohoooo: “uncommon type” – so excited to see, what you think of it! will you get the audiobook?

  3. I hear you, I try to use my TBR as a guideline of sorts, that way I can try to fit in books that I bought a while ago… otherwise the poor things would get stuck in the unread limbo forever… sometimes this approach works sometimes it doesn’t… I just go with the flow..

  4. I really enjoyed Legend! The first time I started reading it I ended up setting it aside, but I think it’s because I had it on ebook and I was not an ebook reader at the time. Then I listened to the audiobooks for all 3 of them and I loved it.

  5. I’m the same way,but I love making these lists anyway! It’s fun to *think* about what I want to read, even if I never actually get around to doing it. Plus, I love reading other people’s lists.

    I would definitely try to get to SALT TO THE SEA. It’s a great read. Very atmospheric and absorbing. I also love Liane Moriarty, although I haven’t read THREE WISHES yet.

    Happy TTT!


  6. Moody reader here too! But hopefully we will be able to get through this winter TBR but I highly doubt it. But there’s no harm in trying again right? 😀 Happy reading!

  7. I see TBRs as guidelines. There are books I know I’m reading at some point, but I give myself enough space to add books that I discover each month. So, while I use the TBR lingo, I’m flexible about the concept.

    But, as a general rule, I’m not scheduling by the month because I’ve found myself not wanting to read particular books scheduled because my mood or time decided otherwise.

    1. I thought that setting a tbr by season as opposed to monthly might be better but that’s not working for me either! It is good to use as a guideline though. I really should reference my TBRs more often. I feel like I write them then forget about them!

  8. Sounds like a great list! I’m a mood reader, as well, so I never know what I’ll be reading next. On Hitler’s Mountain sounds intriguing.

  9. Pretty much everything by Liane Moriarty is good so definitely give Three Wishes a go. I also liked Golden Son but I can’t remember if I thought it was better than Red Rising or not. I’m definitely like you, a bit moody when it comes to reading, I only want to read particular things at certain times.

  10. What a great list! Salt to Sea and Britt-Marie Was Here are some other good ones that I hope to read soon. 👍🏼 I’m horrible at sticking with my TBRs, too. I look at them more as a suggestion as opposed to a set list. ☺️

  11. I give myself loose TBRs generally, because I pretty much am a mood reader. Of course I know that there are some books that I’ve been dying to read and so I am confident about reading at least a couple books on my TBR. But I look at those to read lists as more guidelines and general ideas than a set in stone, unchanging plan for my reading month.

    I’ve only read 1 of the 3 books on my November TBR so far, but I have read 9 books this month.

  12. Awww, the Lonely Hearts Hotel! Cannot wait to hear your thoughts and yes, Pierce Brown!! I have never read his books but have heard an awful lot of great things about him, so I gotta read his books someday!

  13. I am a mood reader, too, so I can’t always stick to TBRs. Looking back at my Fall I read almost half and the rest I got from the library and either didn’t start or read one chapter and stopped because I wasn’t in the mood for them. I definitely think you should jump on Golden Son, though! My favorite of the series!

  14. I tried being a mood reader, but I am too Type A for that. Here’s what I do: I have my massive Mt. TBR pile as it is, like we all do, whether it’s on a list somewhere, actually on our shelves, or on a running (and if you’re me, always forgotten) list in your head. I select a batch of books (6-10) that I want to read next, and I choose books from within that smaller TBR batch to read. I kind of choose which next based on how I feel, but I am at the same time working through my TBR. Sometimes I throw in new books I want to read too and put the small batch on hold. This is working better than the insane, strict list and schedule I lived by when I first started blogging. I hope this helps!

  15. Oh, I’m terrible at sticking to my TBR plans, but it’s fun to makes the lists anyway. 🙂 I’m totally a mood reader, so I throw my reading plans out the window as soon as something new catches my eye. I’ve had a copy of Salt to the Sea on my shelf for a year now and really need to read it! I want to read Illuminae too — I’ve heard such good things. Good luck getting through your list!

  16. If you love WWII youll LOVE Salt to the Sea. It is super graphic, more so than I anticipated but so well written.

    I ALSO love Tom Hanks. I preordered his book as soon as I heard about it, but I am anticipating getting the audiobook for xmas so I am trying to hold off for that before I read it.

    I am very intrigued by Marie Lu and Gemina. They are EVERYWHERE on my feeds and I have yet to read any of them..

    Looks like a great (potential) TBR. I also am a huge mood reader so while I say I know what is “on deck” for me, that is about as far as I can go..I mean I was sooo anxious to read Rules of Magic when I got it in my BOTM November box, but it keeps getting pushed back so that I can finish my library stack. So I can totally relate to you on not really having a working TBR per say.

    1. I want to listen to the audiobook for Tom Hank’s book too! I love that man’s voice!

      Marie Lu and Illuminae deserve all of the hype!

      I read and loved Rules of Magic!! It was so good but I totally know what you mean about having to be in the mood. It could be the best book in the world but if I am not in their mood for it then I can’t force myself to read it!

  17. Great list of books! I still need to read Gemina! hoping to get to it this upcoming year 🙂
    I love Tom Hanks! I didn’t know he was a writer as well! I love finding new books 😀

  18. HAHAHAHA I’M RUBBISH 😂 I honestly have tried so many times and I’ve never been able to stick to it because when I force myself to do it I will basically take 1,000,000 years to even finish one book out of however much I planned. I kinda envy people who can do it because it seems to be less of a hassle.

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