April Wrap Up

# of Books Read: 11

# of Pages Read: 2735

Favourite Book(s) of the Month: Normal People, Hunger, My Sister the Serial Killer

Normal People by Sally Rooney


This book.  It is something special.  I am a blown away by Sally Rooney’s writing and by the characters that she creates.  This is a book that I was truly sad to see come to an end. I love novels that centre around the intricacies of relationships.  Normal People is an interesting look at how one person can brings out both the best and the worst in us.  This is a book that has grown on me more as time has gone by- there are so many layers.  I will never get over the Women’s Prize shortlist snub!

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay


Hunger is a tough read, but a powerful one.  I adore Roxane’s voice.  She has a special way with words.  She has a way of making you feel like you are sitting down with a friend sharing intimate details about your lives.  For this reason, I highly recommend the audiobook because Roxane Gay narrates it. Hunger is so raw and honest- everything that I appreciate and respect in a memoir.

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren


The Unhoneymooners was my first Christina Lauren novel and I will certainly be reading more of their work.  I thought it was so freaking fun! The characters and romance were great and the setting was so tropical and added to the story.  It has so many of my favourite romantic tropes including fake dating and hate to love- what more could you ask for!

Lady Susan by Jane Austen


I really loved Lady Susan and I believe that it is underrated.  Lady Susan makes for a dynamic character.  She is very flawed, manipulative and downright mean spirited, but that is what makes her so fun to read about! I love that the story is told letter because it just added to the gossipy feeling.  I was living for the drama!

Blackbird Vol. 1 by Sam Humphries and Jen Bartel


I think that this series has a lot of potential! The illustrations are STUNNING (as you can see from the cover) and I thought that the plot was interesting.  Some of the dialogue felt a little stunted but improved as the story progressed.  I am intrigued to see what the author does with the next volume!

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite


My Sister, the Serial Killer was nothing that I expected it to be and I felt that it was all the stronger for that reasons.  I will say that it is not the thriller that it is marketing as being.  This is more of a look at sibling relationships and at how much we are willing to do to protect the ones that we love.  Very interesting character study, and I am happy that it was shortlisted for the Women’s Prize

The Last Romantics by Tara Conklin


The Last Romantics is so beautifully written and there are so many quotes from it that I absolutely love.  I am curious to read more from the author. I love family dramas and the first half of this novel was fantastic and had the potential to become a new favourite.  Unfortunately, it took a direction in the second half that I didn’t quite understand and I felt dragged.  The last chapter made up for it though!

Lumberjanes Vol. 1


I finally read Lumberjanes, and it lived up to the hype! This was so fun.  I love stories set at camp and it is fun to see all the shenanigans that the characters get up to.  There is also more depth than I was expecting. I plan on reading a volume every time that I need a pick me up- I know that they will put a smile on my face when I need it.

Peter Darling by Austin Chant


Peter Darling is a fantastic Peter Pan retelling! I thought that was Austin Chant did with the story was refreshing and gave to life to the classic story. You will come out of this book looking at the story in a new light. It was very atmospheric- I felt like I was in Neverland right along with the characters.  I thought that the romance was sweet and once again had my favourite trope- hate to love! I will never get tired of it.

Waiting for Tom Hanks by Kerry Winfrey


I have seen some mixed reviews for Waiting for Tom Hanks, but I thought it was really adorable. It is a novel that is self-aware and knows that it is full of tropes and cliches- I think that is the point.  The main character loves romantic comedies and she ends up living in one.  So many pop culture references! It’s really sweet and the kind of story that makes me happy just thinking about it.

The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey


I have never read a memoir quite like The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating. It is about a time in the author’s life when she was bedridden and she ended up taking solace in watching the movements of a snail.  It was surprisingly moving! She also interweaves facts about snails- they are such fascinating creatures! I am actually inspired to read more nonfiction novels about them.


I found a few new favourite books this month but the highlight for me was definitely Normal People.  I am still shocked that it did not make the Women’s Prize shortlist…

I found myself in a bit of a reading slump during the last couples weeks of April.  I am hoping that it doesn’t continue in to May!


39 thoughts on “April Wrap Up

  1. I really want to read Normal People! I’m currently waiting for my library to get it in, but I am super excited for you. Happy to see that you liked it so much. Looks like you read so many great books in April. I loved Peter Darling when I read it.

  2. I think I mentioned this already but I have Normal People on my TBR. I actually am going to be doing a Try a Chapter challenge and that is part of it! It is one thing to see a book pop up all over the best seller lists and such, but you have really convinced me that it is something I need on my immediate radar. :]

  3. So many great reads on here! I keep seeing Normal People and it’s making me think I need to pick it up and try it. It’s normally not a genre I tend to gravitate towards, but I’m finding this year that my favorite books so far are normally from a genre I don’t normally read.

    So glad you liked My Sister, The Serial Killer as well. I agree with your opinion as well. It’s definitely more about the complexity of their relationship than a normal thriller.

  4. Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed Lumberjanes; which girl is your favorite so far? I think Ripley is probably mine, though I enjoy all of them in different ways.

      1. 😁 The other girls are all just as fascinating. I’ve only read 7 volumes, so I have a little catching up to do, but I have enjoyed all of them.

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful reading month for you, Kristin! I think of Peter Darling as one of the best examples of a retelling done right. Everything about it was beautiful. I only wish it’d been a little bit longer! Here’s to an awesome May!

  6. Such an awesome wrap up and reading month! I read Normal People too and ended up surprising myself by loving it and I don’t even really know how to articulate precisely why? 😂 Hunger was also one of my favorite reads so far this year. I can’t wait to read The Unhoneymooners this month!

  7. Oh I also read my sister, the serial killer this month! It was pretty good!
    I really want to read lady Susan, just because it is less popular haha


  8. It’s weird to say, but Hunger is probably my favourite out all of Gay’s Work.
    My Sister, the Serial Killer is a book that’s been on my TBR since I first learned about it. I’m happy that it’s more of a character study rather than a typical thriller.

  9. I’m already half in love with Normal People from all the things I’ve heard about it! It sounds literally like 100% my jam and I couldn’t be more excited to get to it soonish. I’m also super duper hyped for The Unhoneymooners and Waiting for Tom Hanks because I’m so in the mood for romance and fluffy scenes and funny banter.

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