Five Books I Have Read Because of Blogs


Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm. This week’s topic is perfect for me! At this point the majority of the books that I read are because of fellow book bloggers! I watch booktube, listen to bookish podcasts, and I am on goodreads and bookstagram, but I trust my fellow book bloggers the most. I think it is because I feel like I know them on more personal level and have a better understanding of their reading tastes. There are so many bloggers who I trust/have similar book tastes to me and turn to when I need a book recommendation! I decided to share five books that I probably never would have picked up if it were not for the rave reviews I have seen from so many bloggers.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I have seen pretty much every blogger rave about how amazing Six of Crows is. I tend to avoid books that feel like they are so hyped but I had been reassured by my fellow bloggers that it lives up to the hype and let me tell you – they were absolutely right!! I really adored this cast of characters and can not wait to read Crooked Kingdom.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)

Every Heart a Doorway is such a unique story that and I enjoyed every minute of it. I never would have heard about this book if it were not for all the great reviews that I have seen on book blogs!

Warcross by Marie Lu


War Cross is a book that would never have been on my radar if it were not for blogs. I have always heard about Marie Lu, but had never read any thing by her. I saw War Cross on so many most anticipated lists last year that I just had to see what everyone else was excited about! I read it and it was so much fun!!

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco


Stalking Jack the Ripper is a book that I would have just walked right by if I was not a avid book blog reader! The cover and the synopsis didn’t grab my attention, but so many reviewers I trust raved about it so I thought “Why not?” I fell in love with this book and especially with Thomas!

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


A Darker Shade of Magic is another book I have seen all of my fellow bloggers talking about. This is the one book on this list that I didn’t love as much as I was hoping to. Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was interesting, but I didn’t connect with the characters or the story. I am going back and forth on whether or not to continuing with the series! What do you think?

58 thoughts on “Five Books I Have Read Because of Blogs

  1. I also read A Darker Shade of Magic because I’d seen practically every other book blogger rave about it! I really enjoyed the series although the first was my favourite so if you weren’t certain on that one you may find the others not so good. I definitely would never have picked up/heard of so many books if not for reading amazing reviews (The Hate U Give is a massive example of this)!

  2. Basically your whole list – yes! All of these were books that I picked up because of blogs. Especially Every Heart A Doorway! I heard from a few people that it was a mystery – and they’re totally not my thing. So I pushed it aside and forgot about it. But after seeing so many 5 star reviews I decided to give it a shot. AMAZING!!!
    Thanks for participating – added you to the list 🙂

  3. Six of Crows and Every Heart a Doorway are on my TBR because of the blogging community too!

    And I read ADSoM because of it too! I had basically the exact same experience as you, I enjoyed it but not as much as everyone else seems to. The second book is pretty good, and the last book is well done but really long. So I’d only read it if you really feel like you want to (the characters get more annoying though, so if you didn’t like them in the first one, you probably won’t in the others haha)

    1. I think part of the reason that I have not continued with the series is because they are so long. It’s quite a commitment especially for a series I don’t absolutely love! That is good to know about the characters because they definitely weren’t my favourite!

  4. I just read someone else’s Top 5 Tuesday that had some of the same books. I haven’t read any of these, but it looks like I need to check them out. Great post!

  5. Isn’t Six of Crows the best? It’s on my Top 5 Tuesday list as well! And Stalking Jack the Ripper!
    I still need to read ADSoM. I’ve seen nothing but good things about it!

  6. A Darker Shade of Magic might be my next read so I’m hoping I like it! Fingers crossed haha. Six of Crows is another book I found on blogs that I’d like to read.

  7. I am also inclined to read The Six of Crows because of how uch I am hearing about it on wordpress. Hope ​I can get my hands on it soon!

  8. I just finished Warcross yesterday and I liked it so very much 🙂 I’m usually not into thrillers or sci-fi, but the writing was just so good and the world was so cool that I totally fell for it. I can’t wait to read Wildcard!

  9. Great list! I haven’t read Staling Jack the Ripper, but I read the other four because of bookblogs/booktube too. I felt kind of the same way about A Darker Shade of Magic. I liked it, but it didn’t live up to the hype for me and I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue reading the series. But so many people who didn’t love the first book have told me they loved the rest of the series, so I’m gonna give the second book a chance 😊

  10. I read some of these because of other bloggers’ reviews, also. Truthfully, I probably never would have picked up Six of Crows if so many people hadn’t recommended it. I’m super glad I read it though. Book bloggers are a great source for finding new reads.

  11. Same with Six of Crows! I can’t even say that a certain blogger was responsible, but more like the entire community that kept screaming about it with glee and then I just had to join in eventually haha #noregrets

  12. There are so many books that I probably wouldn’t have read had I not started a blog. Before I was only finding books from Amazon recommending me books based on what I read. So I honestly had no idea about all the books out there or new books being released. It wasn’t until I started blogging that I discovered so many new books!

  13. Great List, Kristin ❤️

    Six of Crows has also been recommend to me by a ton of bloggers, I actually went out and bought the book and the sequel but sadly I have had no time to read either one of them yet! Warcross has also been everywhere lately, it is also on my TBR and I’m hoping to get to it soon before the sequel gets released.

    Loads of people have had Schwab on their list, I’m sad to say that I have not yet read any of her books, but I am planning on doing so real soon!

  14. There are definitely a lot of books on my radar that otherwise wouldn’t have been because of the online book lovers and bloggers community BUT I actually haven’t read most of them YET(they’ve so far just bloated my TBR). That said. The ones that have come to me this way that I HAVE been able to move from the TBR to the R pile are Abraham LIncoln Vampire Hunter (which I would never have read but ultimately enjoyed) and The Hate U Give (which showed up on every best of list I came across). Born a Crime was on my radar but got bumped up I think because of the community. And credit to the community for making me try audio books (very reluctantly) without which at least two of those books would still be on my TBR. So, yay, for the community. My reviews of the mentioned books can be found at these links:,, and

    1. I have been so curious about Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it! Can you believe I have not read Born a Crime yet? That needs to change! I started listening to audiobooks because of this community as well! It has been a game changer! I will definitely check out your reviews. Thanks!

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