Five Books on My Summer TBR


Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm. This week’s topic is about summer reading recommendations, but I already posted something similar which you can read here. I have decided to talk about five books on my Summer TBR instead! As many of you already know, I am terrible at sticking to TBRs! That said, I think choosing five books I really want to read over the next few months is definitely doable.

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff


Doesn’t this cover just scream summer? It looks like a book that is meant to be read while sitting on the beach. Lauren Groff is an author I have heard talked about quite a lot and I have been meaning to read one of her books for awhile now. Fates and Furies is about a twenty-four year long marriage told from the perspective of both spouses. That definitely sounds interesting! I am also hoping to get my hands on a copy of her newest collection of short stories called Florida, and read it this summer.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys


I have had Salt to the Sea sitting unread on my shelves since December, but I have had it on my TBR for much longer than that! I know I am going to absolutely love it, but since I read The Nightingale last summer and was disappointed, I decided maybe I need to take a break from WWII fiction. It has been awhile since I read one and I am ready to finally get back in to the genre! This book has been recommended to me many times so I know it is the perfect book to start with!

The Women in Sunlight by Frances Mayes


Frances Mayes is the author of Under the Tuscan Sun, which is a book I have not read, but a movie that I loved! The cover of this book screams summer, and the story follows four women who start off as strangers but form a bond while visiting Italy. I adore books centered around the forming of friendships, and I will read pretty much anything if it set in Italy. So excited about this one!

The Amateurs by Liz Harmer


I started The Amateurs back in April, and was really enjoying it, but caught distracted by I’ll Be Gone in the Dark! I decided that the pineapple on the cover screams summer and I would just save it to read then. I am excited to get back in to this story, which is completely original and I have a good feeling about it.

Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway


After I read Far From the Tree by Robin Benway, I knew that I would read anything that she writes. I received Emmy & Oliver from a giveaway hosted by Chrissi Reads and I knew that I had to save it for summer. There have been so many times where I was tempted to pick it up but I have a feeling it is going to be the perfect book to read poolside! I am so ready!


Are you a seasonal reader? What is the number one book on your Summer TBR?kkbLogo

36 thoughts on “Five Books on My Summer TBR

  1. Hahaha Kristin they nearly all have water on the cover so yes to beach reads 😉

  2. I loved Salt to the Sea and Emmy & Oliver. Salt to the Sea was a surprisingly quick book to read. Usually, it’s the pacing I struggle with historical novels, but I didn’t have that issue with this one. Emmy & Oliver is a very understated contemporary. It’s cute and fluffy, but also does a great job at exploring the inner depths of the characters and the situation they found themselves in.

  3. I’m not a seasonal reader, but every time school starts I get in a reading slump ahaha. Salt to the sea is on my TBR as well!

  4. I’ve had Salt to the Sea on my bookshelf since March 2016 (LOL!), I need to finally get around to reading it. I’ve also had Emmy & Oliver on my shelf since it was released. It was actually one of my highly anticipated reads of that year that it was released and for some reason I just never got around to reading it. I really want to this year. I hope you enjoy these books!

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