TTT- Books That Surprised Me!

TopTen Tuesday (1)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. “It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.”

There are books that you go in to knowing you are going to love, and books that you read hoping you will like them but they completely blow away your expectations. I am excited to share those books that took me by complete surprise- in a good way!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


I read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo last summer and I did not know what to expect going in to it. I definitely was not anticipating it to become one of my favourite books of all time. I was blown away- it is ever better than everyone says it is!

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


I actually did not think that I was going to like Never Let Me Go! I only read it because it is so high acclaimed and I had seen good reviews. I just did not think that it would be anything special, and I was so wrong! This book is beyond brilliant and now lives happily on my favourites shelf.

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill


The Lonely Hearts Hotel was a cover buy! I had a gift card and walked in to the bookstore not knowing what I wanted to buy. I saw this cover and the title and was drawn to it. I can not believe how wonderful this book ended up being! I want to read everything that Heather O’Neill writes.

The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman


I love the movie Practical Magic but I have never read the book! The movie is kind of cheesy so I thought that the prequel would have the same feeling. I was so surprised by how much depth and substance Rules of Magic has! Alice Hoffman is incredibly talented. I have since bought a few more of her books and can not wait to read them.

Far From the Tree by Robin Benway


Far From the Tree was another cover buy! I expected to like it but I was not expecting to form such a deep connection to the characters. This is a book that I still think about from time to time and I wish more people were talking about it.

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalo


Stalking Jack the Ripper is not the kind of book that I would normally enjoy. I am not a huge fan of horror/thrillers but this book was so much more than that. I am so invested in Audrey Rose and Thomas!

The History of Bees by Maja Lunde


I am realizing how many books I have bought simply because of the cover. I had heard nothing about The History of Bees when I bought, but if you have seen this cover in person than you will know why I drawn to it! The story itself was just as beautiful. I love that it took place over the course of many decades and opened my eyes to the importance of bees.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown


I went in to Red Rising thinking I was not a fan of SciFi, but this book proved me wrong! It so worth all the hype that it gets! I am so thankful to Red Rising for open up my eyes to the world of Science Fiction.

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent


I bought Burial Rites in the discount section at Chapters! I remember seeing it around but knew very little about it. I did not expect much from it. This book is so fantastic. It is one of the most atmospheric books that I have ever read!

Night Film by Marisha Pessl


Night Film is another book that I bought on a whim for something like $3! It is so far out of my comfort zone, that I do not even know what compelled me to buy it! It is a horror/thriller and told through a series of interviews/articles/etc. It takes a little getting used to but it is excellent. It kept me on the edge of my seat!


I also want to share the books that surprised me in a bad way! I will hopefully be posting that soon!

What books surprised you?


48 thoughts on “TTT- Books That Surprised Me!

  1. Great list.. definitely want to read Never Let Me Go! I also look forward to reading your bad surprises ;-). Every book that has a 5 star rating must have surprised me really :-). Maybe This Is How It Ends most of all because I wasn’t feeling it really, and then I turned around completely in the end 🙂

  2. This is a fantastic list! I want to read so many of these! Especially The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Stalking Jack the Ripper, and Red Rising. So happy to hear they were all great surprises for you!

  3. I was never opposed to SciFi but I went into Red Rising quite apprehensive. Now it is one of my all time favourite books and I just don’t know how it happened haha

    1. I’m a rabidly obsessed Red Rising fan, but I admit that when I first read it I thought some parts were great and some were just meh. It got really brilliant during the last third of the book, though, which is how I ended up falling in love with it and the rest of the series. If you do decide to attempt a re-read I hope you end up having a better reading experience than you did previously!

  4. Love seeing Red Rising on this list. Some of the moments in that book were so haunting and memorable I still get chills when I think about them. I’ve not read Far From the Tree, but I’ve read a lot of really positive reviews about the book so I’ll have to check it out soon.

  5. Great selection, Kristin. I had the same experience with Never Let Me Go. I’ve always heard good things about it, but I did decide to read it way before joining to book blogging community or watching any BookTube videos. It was purely from Goodreads, and I’m always thankful for those recommendations 🙂

  6. Great list! I haven’t heard much about Far From the Tree since it was released, but I’m really excited to read it. It sounds like a really interesting, emotional read.I was really surprised by Red Rising as well, I almost never enjoy dystopians, but that one pushed all the right buttons for me!

  7. Yay for including Red Rising on your list!! I’m gaga over that series!

    Also, I was glad to see you listed Never Let Me Go as a good surprise. I’ve had it on my to-be-read pile for a while but just haven’t gotten around to it. Now that I’ve seen your post and all the positive comments from people who also loved it, I’ll have to make it a higher priority!

  8. I loved Red Rising and can’t wait to read the rest of the series! I love Stalking Jack the Ripper so much and the sequel is amazing!

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