Top 5 Wednesday- Children’s Books


Top 5 Wednesday was started by Ginger Reads Lainey and its now ran by Samantha from Thoughts on Tomes! You can find the goodreads group for topics here! This weeks topic is Children’s Books! It was fun to reflect on my childhood and pick out the books that I loved growing up.

  1. Charlotte’s Web– I vividly remember my dad buying me this book many years ago, and it is very special to me.  I still have that copy displayed proudly on my shelf.
  2. Little Critters– My dad used to read these, as well as Berenstain Bears,  to me every single night.  I had a lot of them memorized, so I would call him out if he was tired and tried to skip a few pages! 
  3. The Berenstain Bears- If I had to choose my absolute favourite books as a child then I would have to choose The Berenstain Bears!
  4. Nancy Drew- These were the books that all the girls in my elementary school would fight over during library time.  Seeing a row of those yellow spines brings back a lot of nostalgia! These are three were my favourites- and the ones that I keep on my shelf to this day!
  5.  Goosebumps– Even though they used to give me nightmares, I still really loved Goosebumps! Just thinking about them brings me back to childhood!


Writing this post has made me want to revisit some of these books! I am really curious to see what I would think about the Goosebump series today!

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34 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday- Children’s Books

  1. OMG it’s like we’re the same person. Nancy Drew was my jam in 2nd grade. And Little Critter and Bernstain Bears were a favorite of mine in Kindergarden. Loved those books.

    1. Yay! Did you read Hardy Boys as well!? I liked them but not quite as much as Nancy Drew! I am sure I read many children’s books growing up but Little Critters and Bernstain Bears are the only ones I remember reading many many times!

  2. Yessss to Nancy Drew. Uh huh with that yellow spine, memories! I read them from my local library. I must go back to my home community one day to see if the books are still on the shelf. ☺

  3. I love the Berenstain Bears! My favorite one was The Spooky Old Tree 😀 And Charlotte’s Web is a fantastic book. Always a great choice. I never read many Nancy Drew books, but the few that I did manage to read were tons of fun! Awesome list, Kristin! 😀

  4. Nancy Drew is classic! My sister and I used to pretend we were walking the dog when actually we’d go to a tree in and nearby field and sit and read Nancy Drew.

  5. Oh wow I remember Little Critters! I used to take those home for reading every night! Plus The Berenstain Bears, I still have my copies of those in my basement, although they are in horrrible condition. I scribbled in all the pages (like I don’t think there is a clean page) and the pages are falling apart 😛
    I really want to read the Goosebump books, my brother has a bunch of them I should really start!
    Great list! 😀

  6. I felt like I was the only person in my school who adored Nancy Drew! Nobody seems to be interested in the series… I, on the other hand, have completed the series and I must say it is one of my most prized possessions ❤

  7. I never read Nancy drew as a kid. I’ve been meaning to resd them now but I have such a hard time getting into them. As for the other books I was obsessed with them!

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