March Readathon | Realmathon

I have some exciting news! I am co-hosting Realmathon this year and it is happening in March! I would love to see some of you participating (and joining my team- Team Creation, of course!). The theme this year is Judicium Academy, so it is a school setting!

The Announcement Video

All the Links

Bookmarks currently sold out a restock is coming…
DISCORD   / discord  
Shadows @MelLenoreReads @bookswithlexie
Blood @stephaniebookish @SydBookWorrom
Time @BeccaandTheBooks @toribetweenpages
Creation (THE BEST TEAM!) @HannahsRecentReads @KristinKravesBooks
Google Drive (graphics and google doc)…

My Team- Creation

There are four amazing teams and Cassidy goes into all of the ways to get bonus points based on the team that you choose in her video. She will also tell you what makes your team special! I am only going to tell you about my team, Team Creation, because I would love to see your join us! You get bonus points if 50% or more of your book cover (including the back cover but not the spine) is blue and/or if there is an animal on the cover. This is the team for those who love a good animal companion and we are sharing photos on our pets in the team’s Discord! Also, our logo is a bee and that this just too cute.

There are also bookmarks for each team and they are stunning! They are currently sold out, but I know that Cassidy plans to do a restock. I figured I would show you a photo of our team’s bookmark.

Look at that foil!

The Prompts

The fun part of this readathon is that there are ways to defend your team and to attack another team! Cassidy can explain this better than I can here, but once you read a book you have to decide whether you are defending or attacking and then go through the list to tally up how many points you get. I will use Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan as an example, since I just finished reading it. So let’s say I decide to defend (positive points), I would get 3 points for math class, 4 points for bribe a teacher, and 5 points for an A+ read for a total of 12 points! Now if I chose to attack instead of defend, I would be taking away points from the other team. So I would get 1 points for win a duel, 2 points for poison a classmate, and 2 points for seduce a rival for a total of five points. So in this case, it would be better to defend! I hope that this all made sense, but feel free to message me on Instagram (@kristinkravesbooks) or in the Discord if you have any questions.

There is a lot more to this readathon (including a weekend of Peace Talks where there will be no attacking and different ways to gets points!) and you can expect there to be plenty of reading sprints! I hope to see you all in the Discord or in the comments. 🐝

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