Books I Have Lost Interest In Reading

I cannot believe that it is Top Ten Tuesday’s ten year anniversary! It is incredibly just how many blogger participate each week, and I cannot tell you how many blogs I have found through the meme over the years. For this week’s prompt, I am going to redo one of the TTT topics that I wrote about in early 2018, and that is books I am no longer interested in reading. I was looking back at the books I talked about in that first post, and I have indeed removed them all from my TBR and still have no interest in reading them. I remove books from my TBR quite regularly, but I never talk about them here- this has given me the perfect opportunity to do so!

Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett

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I have had Alex, Approximately sitting on my shelves for three years now, and I have had no inclination to pick it up. To me, that is a sign that I never will. I have attempted to read one other book by Jenn Bennett, and I could not get through it. I just don’t think that her books are for me. I know that so many people adore her novels, and I have a teenage neighbour who I just discovered loves to read, so I will happily pass it along to her! It seems like a perfect book for her to read this summer.

Artemis by Andy Weir


I knew that there was no way that Artemis could live up to The Martian, but it has received so many mixed reviews that I am no longer interested in reading it. I normally try not to be swayed by negative reviews, but many reviewers I trust have pointed out things that I don’t think would sit right with me, and I also have so much SciFi on my TBR that I would rather prioritize those books. I know that Rosario Dawson narrates the audiobook, so that could change my mind, but for now I am removing it from list.

Until it Fades by K.A. Tucker

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I really want to love K.A. Tucker’s books, because they get a lot of love in the bookish community, but after two attempts I have realized that I just don’t get along with her writing style or her characters. There was a lot that did not work for me in The Simple Wild, and that is her most popular book, so I think it is best to just remove Until It Fades from my TBR.

Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco


I read the first book in this series, Stalking Jack the Ripper, went it first came out and I really did enjoy it. However, since then I have never been tempted to continue on with the series. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews for the rest of the books in this series, and I am not a huge series reader to begin with! If I am going to invest my time in a series, I want to make sure that it is one I am going to love.

Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu


I love the idea behind this series, and I thought that the first book did some interesting things, but I have simply lost interest in them at this point. I love Marie Lu’s writing and I need to read more from her, but that is not enough to make me want to continue on with this series.

The Power by Naomi Alderman

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The premise of The Power is very intriguing, but I have been told that the execution is not great. I have heard that it is difficult to become invested in the characters, and that is a must for me, especially in a book like this one.

Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli


I purchased Leah on the Offbeat the day that it released, and then the reviews started coming in. So many people disliked Leah and pointed out that there was little to no character development. One thing that struck me as overdone in Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda was the amount of Harry Potter references, and I have heard that there is even more of that in here- there is something about that that makes me cringe if it is too much.

Bird Box by Josh Malerman


The mistake I made here is that I watched the movie first! It is not often that I watch the movie and then read the book. The whole thing has already been spoiled for me! I know that the sequel comes out in July, and I am definitely intrigued by that one. I am curious to see what the author does with the story, as it has been six years since Bird Box was first published.

One Day in December by Josie Silver


I attempted to read One Day in December when it first came out and everyone was talking about it, but something about the plot made me uncomfortable. I sometime enjoy the love-at-first-sight trope, but I just didn’t buy it in this one!

My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brodi Ashton


This may come as a surprise considering how much I loved the first book in the series, My Lady Jane. I have noticed that many readers have been disappointed by the rest of the books in the series, and I do not want them to affect my feelings about the first book. It is in no way surprising to me that the other books cannot live up to the first one- this is a kind of satire that is very difficult to pull off!

I would love to know your thoughts on any of these books! I could definitely be swayed into leaving a couple of them on my TBR.

49 thoughts on “Books I Have Lost Interest In Reading

  1. I love reading books…. But sometimes I feel too lazy to take a new book from my shelf! I only like reading books which open up to positive reviews… Maybe that is the reason why I have about 10 books still waiting to be opened!

  2. Birdbox has been sitting on my shelf for a long time now, I may give up on it too, haha. That’s sad about Alex, Appropriately, I’ve wanted to read that one (but maybe best I haven’t).

  3. Great prompt and I agree with quite a few of these. I agree mixed reviews often sway my opinion too!

    My Plain Jane was good, but you aren’t missing out terribly if you don’t read it. I’m debating picking up the next one but even then I only liked the 2nd one, not loved, so I’m iffy.

    Same with Leah on the Offbeat – it was ok, but forgettable and I wish I didn’t read it. Personally I’m not reading anymore Becky books, I don’t think they’re for me.

  4. I adore Jenn Bennett books, and Alex was my first. I also loved One Day in December. It was a bumpy ride a la Love, Rosie. I was disappointed with Leah on the Offbeat, and I won’t read anymore books set in that world after what Albertalli did to that friend group.

  5. Is there any chance that I can convince you to read Hunting Prince Dracula? SJTR is one of my favourite series and in my opinion the 2nd book is the best out of the 4 ones. I’m sure that you won’t regret picking it up!! šŸ˜

  6. I loved My Lady Jane, but didn’t care for My Plain Jane and think it’s a good idea to remove it from your TBR. I got through a few chapters in My Calamity Jane and ended up letting it go back to the library. After reading some reviews on it, I don’t think I’ll ever try it again. These authors were a one hit wonder for me.

  7. I really like this idea for a post! Thereā€™s so many books on my TBR that Iā€™ve simply lost interest in reading too šŸ˜¬. I get what you mean about Birdbox! Once Iā€™ve seen the movie, I lose the motivation to get to the book haha šŸ˜….

  8. I totally understand your reluctance to read My Plain Jane. It hasn’t ruined the series for me, but I definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book. I’m hoping that My Calamity Jane doesn’t disappoint me.
    Many of these books have been on my TBR list at one point or another, but for some reason or another they got booted when I lost interest.

  9. Youā€™ve got a lot of my favorites on here. I hope your neighbor likes Alex Approximately because it was outstanding. Definitely not my normal choice. šŸ™‚

    Check out my TTT

  10. I do love Alex Approximately, so I hope your neighbour enjoys it.

    I have Lea On The Offbeat on my iPad, I think I got it on iBooks but I haven’t read it yet. I actually don’t like Harry Potter much and haven’t finished the series so if there’s a lot of references in there, I’ll probably find that pretty tedious.

  11. I loved My Plain Jane and read it immediately after finishing My Lady Jane (which I loved, too.) It was a bit darker, but I thought that perfectly reflected the darker Jane Eyre. I also enjoyed Artemis, but it was very different from The Martian. And I enjoyed One Day in December, but I’m a sucker for love at first sight when it’s done well. šŸ˜‰

  12. Oh no, my heart! LOL. I love Maniscalco’s Stalking Jack the Ripper series! In fact, I think the second book is the best out of them all but I will admit the final two are a bit weaker. I mostly kept reading for Thomas and Audrey Rose’s relationship, which was done really well overall. And I completely get you on the My Plain Jane. That was a complete disappoint for me and the newest one, Calamity Jane doesn’t seem to be holding over very well in the reviews. I’ve read only a few pages but the magic of the first book doesn’t seem to be there. So, yeah, stop while you can haha

      1. I sure hope you do! And if you ever get around to it, I hope it leaves a more lasting impression that the first šŸ˜€

        Agreed. My Lady Jane was such a wonderfully told story. Absolutely hilarious. I’ll have to reread it someday!

  13. Artemis is one I was curious about too but I haven’t read it yet either so I’m probably never getting to it. And same here with Bird Box. I kinda wanted to try it then I watched the show and afterward I was like… well I know the gist of it now and my motivation to read the book evaporated. *sigh*!

  14. This is a great list! I actually did enjoy My Plain Jane, though not quite as much as I loved My Lady Jane, so I can definitely see why you wouldn’t read it knowing that you probably won’t enjoy it as much as the first one. Happy reading with all the books you do pick up, Kristin! xx

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