#bookhibearnation Update

I participated in the #hibearnation readathon hosted by Simon Savidge this weekend and I thought it would be fun to update you all on how it went.

The goal was to read for 24 hours over the course of the weekend, which I certainly did not do. That said, I am happy with the reading that I did and it was exactly what I needed. It was nice to have a distraction and to take a moment to simply relax.

I started with Final Girls by Riley Sager. This was my first novel from Riley Sager and I am now curious to read more from him. I had some mixed feelings about the book (I will share more in a review and in my wrap up!), but the book was so fast-paced and I think Sager writes interesting and original thrillers. I hear they just get better and I know he has a new one coming out soon! It only took me a few hours to read Final Girls and I never felt that it dragged.

Once I finished Final Girls, I moved on to Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne. I have always had a soft spot for Winnie the Pooh and all of the characters. Reading the book brought me so much joy and nostalgia. I don’t know that there is a sweeter or more endearing story. So happy that I finally took the time to read it, especially when you consider it took me under an hour to read.

This takes us to Saturday evening and that is when it all starts to fall apart. I thought that I would watch one episode of The English Game on Netflix and here we are six episodes later. The show is incredible but I will talk more about it in my March favourites.

I did read a couple chapters of Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O’Neil on Sunday and it is already breaking my heart. It is reminding me why I always say that Heather O’Neill is one of my favourite authors. I will be continuing to read it throughout the rest of the week and will definitely be writing a review. I can already tell that this book is underrated!

So that’s it! I always struggle with readathons but they are always relaxing and I would love to participate in more.

Do you enjoy readathons?


3 thoughts on “#bookhibearnation Update

  1. Congrats on your readathon progress!

    Readathons are a new thing to me, and I just did one a week or so ago with Animorphs. It went really well, but it wasn’t a 24-hour setup. More like it was the only thing I read for the whole week.

    I ended up getting through six books, so I’m pretty happy and definitely willing to do different readathons in the future!

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