Backlist Books I Want to Read in 2020

I am not someone who usually makes New Year’s resolutions, but there is something about the start of a new decade that has been doing some reflecting. I was looking at my shelves and I realized that there are some books I am dying to read (some of which I have had on my shelves for years!), but I just never picking them up! I am determined to change that in 2020. I am hoping that his post helps to hold me accountable.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman


American Gods has so much potential to become a book that I adore. I already know that I am a fan of Gaiman’s writing and I love anything to do with mythology. This is a book I have had on many five star prediction lists and TBRs. It is getting truly ridiculous at this point!

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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Why am I so terrible at finishing series?! I absolutely loved Illuminae and I have been told many times that Gemina is even better. I am a huge fan of mixed media, and I know that, despite it’s size, Gemina will be a quick read. One of my goals this year is to read more SciFi, so I really have no excuses to not get to this.

The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai

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I actually have an annotated hardcover of this book thanks to Page Habit (what ever happened to them?!). I know that The Great Believers is going to be hard-hitting and emotional. My gut is telling me it will become a new favourite and I have only heard incredible things. I think I have just been saving it for whatever reason!

Golden Son by Pierce Brown


Seeing as Golden Son is the second book in a series, it has fallen into the same trap as Gemina. I enjoyed the first book quite a bit and I heard that Golden Son is incredible. I am dying to know what happens to these characters, so why haven’t I picked it up?! I don’t have an answer for you!

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

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I used to watch Hank Green’s Youtube channel religiously and I get the feeling that anything he writes would be compelling. I would be curious to compare his work to his brother’s, John Green. I love when books incorporate social media in some way. There is something about this that sounds similar to The Themis Files, my favourite SciFi series!

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys


As a lover of historical fiction, I cannot believe I have yet to read anything by Ruta Sepetys. All of her novels appeal to me, but Salt to the Sea is the only one I currently own. So many people have told me I would love this book and that I need to have tissues ready! I have had this book on my shelves for three years and I am ashamed.

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

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Sally Rooney wrote one of my favourite novels of 2019, Normal People. Even though that is the only book I have read by her, I will now read anything that she writes. I am very curious about her debut novel even though I have heard mixed things. I am sure that is the reason I have been avoiding it!


61 thoughts on “Backlist Books I Want to Read in 2020

  1. I wish you luck with all these in 2020, love! I keep wanting to compile a 20in20 post devoted to my backlist, but how in the world I’d narrow that down to 20 is beyond me lol.

  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who buys books that they’re desperate for then doesn’t read them 🙈 I’m really hoping to get reading properly again this year and fix that bad habit. I would have started already but I have a headache that keeps returning and I know it’ll ruin my concentration if I try to pick up a book. I’m hoping it goes soon -_-
    Anyway good luck getting all of these read, I’m sure you can do it (: there are a few that I’m curious about on here too. And Happy New Year (:

  3. Oo you have so many great reads on this list! My favorite thing about the Illuminae books is how quickly you can get through all of them. The format makes them so much more enjoyable and less daunting (since they are pretty big!)
    Salt to the Sea is one of my favorite books! Gosh I’ve read it twice now and I still love it so much! It’s such an emotional read but I feel like that goes without saying for most historical fiction.
    I hope you enjoy your reads and have a great 2020 🙂

  4. Now I personally *adore* American Gods but there are those who love Neil Gaiman’s other books but just cannot get on board with American Gods and dislike it immensely. It’s for sure an acquired taste but I do hope you enjoy it and that you get round to reading it this year!

  5. I really don’t want to be *that person* but I am very curious about your inclusion of John Boyne on this list and just wondered about it given the views he has expressed last year in relation to trans people (and the writing of The Book) as well as his recent twitterpades relating to Auschwitz Memorial twitter account. Sorry if this is badly worded, I’ve tried to be as tactful as possible 🙂

    1. I am not an active Twitter user so it is something I have to look in to. I see his books all over bookstagram and no one seems to be talking about that, which surprises me. I know there is a debate about seperate the art from the artist, but it’s something I have a hard time doing so I will look more into this. Thanks!

  6. What a great list! I’ve loved the books I’ve read from it so far (especially Conversations With Friends and Golden Son) and there are several that I really need to read as well. Looking forward to your thoughts as you get to these!

  7. Nice list! I need to read Salt to the Sea as well, and I’ve been wanting to read The Great Believers too. To be honest, American Gods is not one of my favorite Gaiman books, but I know I’m in the minority on that. Looking forward to all of your review!

  8. YES! Golden Son is incredible. In fact, I think it’s my favorite of the series. Darrow’s character development is simply amazing! And the plot keeps you hooked. I really hope that you enjoy it. Gemina, too! Which was also my favorite of that series!

  9. Thank God I’m not the only one lol. But I’m unlike you though my backlist of books is a long one! Lol I keep forgetting to read them bcoz I always find new ones a be alike “oooh!! Going to read that!”, then buy it then end up not reading it. 😂 it’s an endless cycle really lol.

  10. Love this! I’ve had similar thoughts re: reflecting at the beginning of the year, but mine turned into what books I should read again rather than delving into my backlist (probably far less useful, lol). This has definitely inspired me to dig out the old to-read lists! Also, I actually preferred Sally Rooney’s debut novel, although I know most prefer Normal People.

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