Christmas Books on My TBR

Christmas is officially a month away, so what better time to share some of the Christmas books that are on my TBR. I have never been someone who had the urge to read Christmasy novels, but something about this year is different. GIVE ME ALL THE CHEESY CHRISTMAS NOVELS!

One Day in December by Josie Silver


I confess that I tried to read One Day in December last Christmas, but something about he love at first sight and the fact that she was in love with her best friends boyfriend just did not sit right with me. Since then, I have seen so many amazing reviews so I would like to try it again. I am sure it gets better from where I put it down!

Seven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak

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I love that Seven Days of Us seems to focus on family. I know that a lot of people have family dramas and the holidays can be a difficult time. I am so curious to see how this book navigates that!

Mr. Dickens and His Carol by Samantha Silva

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A Christmas Carol is my favourite Christmas story and I am excited by the idea of a retelling. I love that this story follows Charles Dickens and it is the author’s story of how he came to write A Christmas Carol. Last year, I watched the movie The Man Who Invented Christmas, which had a similar premise, and I loved it!

One Week ‘Til Christmas by Belinda Missen

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This cover is just too cute that I couldn’t not add it to my TBR! This sounds like the kind of simply, cheesy, adorable Christmas story that I am in the mood for. Like a Hallmark movie in book form!

10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston


I have mentioned this book on my blog a few times now but I am just so excited to read it! It is for a buddy read that I am part of at the beginning of December. Cutest cover ever and the story sounds just as sweet.

We Met in December by Rosie Curtis


Are we sensing a theme- I see an adorable Christmasy cover and I add it too my TBR! This book sounds similar to Flatmate in that it is about two housemates who obviously fall in love, but the road getting there will not be easy.

It Won’t Be Christmas Without You by Beth Reekles

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It Won’t Be Christmas Without You is by the same author who wrote The Kissing Booth, which I haven’t seen but I did enjoy the movie. I love that the story follows twin sister, one who is Christmas-obsessed. I have high hopes for this one!

Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor & Heather Webb

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Last Christmas is Paris is the most serious of the Christmas books on my TBR. It is a WWI novel and appears to have two timelines. One is at the start of the war in 1914, and the other is many years later in 1968. It sounds like it is going to an absolute heartbreaker!


Obviously I will not get to all of these this year, but I would love to read a few! 10 Blind Dates and Last Christmas in Paris are the two I know I will for sure be reading.

Do you have a favourite Christmasy book?

Also, if you read One Day in December, what did you think?


38 thoughts on “Christmas Books on My TBR

  1. I just started 10 Blind Dates last night, so only a couple chapters in. It seems cute though definitely for a younger audience than me haha. Happy reading!

  2. I’m also planning on reading 10 blind dates! Hopefully you can get to them all!


  3. Great recommendations Kristin! I love me some cute and fluffy festive books around the holiday season! My favorite Christmassy book (besides A Christmas Carol because it’s THE Christmas book) is The Afterlife by Holly Chase. It’s super wholesome and cheesy but in the best way. You’ve got me excited for It Won’t Be Christmas Without You though – somehow I’d forgotten it had release??? I’ll be definitely adding it to my seasonal TBR! Happy Christmas reading! <3

  4. Your list is great! I loved, loved Last Christmas in Paris…..I hope you’re not disappointed by the title though……it’s not your typical cheesy Christmas read.

  5. I’ve been wondering what I should read this summer. You’ve just given me a few options. These all sound so cute! I hope you manage to get to all of them and that you enjoy them all!

  6. Ohh, these all sound like great picks, and I should definitely try and read some of them! Wait—I had no idea that the author of The Kissing Booth was coming out with a new book?! That’s so wild since me and my friends kinda treat The Kissing Booth as a joke 😂 It was fun to make fun of the movie while we watched it!

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