Five Must-Read Books for Fall

Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm.

What does a Fall read mean to you? For me, it does not necessarily mean thrillers or horror novels, but something atmospheric, dark, and haunting- bonus points if it is Gothic!

The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal

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The Doll Factory was the first book I read in September and it has been on my mind ever since. There are so many layers to this story and it has stayed with me. The setting lends itself perfectly to the haunting plot. The characters have depth and you truly come to know them. There is a sinister vibe throughout the entire novel and you have the sense of foreboding as the story goes on. It was brilliantly done!

His Hideous Heart edited by Dahlia Adler


What is more Fall than Edgar Allan Poe? His Hideous Heart is a collection of thirteen (appropriate!) stories that have been influenced by Poe’s work. I just finished and it has become one of my favourite anthologies. Every single story is strong and spooky in its own right! I also love that they chose to include the original tales- it was fun to revisit some of Poe’s stories. I will be posting a full review with all my thoughts very soon.

You by Caroline Kepnes


I have never read a book that has haunted me more than You by Caroline Kepnes. This is one of the books that gets inside your head and really messes with your mind. It is the only book that I have read that is written in second person, which adds to the creepy factor. You actually feel like you are being stalked by Joe. It is also set in a bookstore, which is a nice bonus!

Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand


What makes Sawkill Girls so special is that it is a feminist horror novel- not something you see very often. We follow three teenage girls who each have their own personalities and motives. You never quite know who to trust. Sawkill Girls will make your heart race and it is one that I still think about over a year later. It is one I could see myself rereading every October!

Small Spaces by Katherine Arden

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For a middle grade novel, Small Spaces was a lot creepier than I thought it would be! I now have a fear of scarecrows thanks to this book. Katherine Arden is one of my favourite authors and Small Spaces perfectly demonstrates why. She is able to create such vivid imagery, which is a must-have in a spooky Fall read. The sequel, Dead Voices, just came out and I have seen a lot of great reviews. I will be reading it in October!


I might share more Fall recommendations in a future post, but these five are some of my absolute favourites. What is the one book for Fall that you would want everyone to read?kkbLogo


68 thoughts on “Five Must-Read Books for Fall

  1. Awesome list—just added all of these books to my TBR 😁! I’m especially interested in His Hideous Heart. I find that anthologies written by older authors, with their older writing styles, are easier to follow than full-on novels 😅.

  2. I’ve been reading The Doll Factory for over a month now after having always been intrigued by the plot and Macneal’s voice and language. However, I find myself slowing down and getting stuck half-way through the book which has drained all of my motivation to read it. It’s a book I seem to be very close to ‘DNFing’

    1. That is too bad but I totally get it. I am someone who enjoyed slower reads but I can see how The Doll Factory would not be for everyone. I would say it pays off in the end but you shouldn’t struggle through a book you’re not enjoying!

  3. I feel like Katherine Arden is the perfect author to read in the autumn. I feel like this season is made for those magical, vivid stories.

  4. I really want to read Sawkill Girls soon and I’d also love to get You read before the second series of the show gets added to Netflix. All of these are on my TBR though 😅

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