Out of My Comfort Zone- Book Tag

I found this tag on Ms. Victorious’s awesome blog, Victorious Pages. When I started blogging, I made a commitment to read books that are outside my comfort zone. I have been pretty good about this and it has paid off. I have fallen in love with books and genres that, two years ago, I never would have considered giving a chance. I love that this tag gives me a chance to highlight some of these books and is a reminder that I can read outside of my comfort zone more often!

1. A book that is an exception when it comes to genres or elements in books that you don’t typically like.

Naturally Tan by Tan France

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It is very rare that I am compelled to read a celebrity memoir. I think I can count the number that I have read in my lifetime on two hands. I appreciate pop culture, but not enough to read 300+ pages of the life of a famous person. So, it was a surprise to me that when I heard that Tan France was published a memoir, I instantly knew that I would read it. I am so glad that I did because even though I liked Tan before picking up his book, I absolutely adore him now. I highly recommend the audiobook! I am also more open to celebrity memoirs- I am thinking of trying one of Carrie Fisher’s books in September.

2. A book you enjoyed from a genre you previously held some stigma about.

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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When I was a teenager, I read a ton of contemporary romance. I thought I had “grown out” of it, which looking back is absolutely ridiculous. It had been years since I read a contemporary romance when I decided to give The Hating Game a chance. I had heard so much hype for it and I was curious. This book opened the floodgates because I have once again fallen in love with the genre!

3. A book you didn’t know was actually out of your comfort zone until you started reading it.

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver


Before I Fall was the book that made me realize that I do not get along with the “Groundhog Day” loop trope. Reading about a character reliving the same day over and over again honestly just bores me. This is a pretty common trope that I know a lot of people enjoy, but it does not work for me. I am happy that Before I Fall opened my eyes to this fact because whenever I see a book with that trope I now know to avoid it!

4. Pick a friend or BookTuber that motivates you to pick up books you might not normally be interested in. What is one book out of your norm that they convinced you to give a try?

The Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire

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There are so many, but the first person who came to mind was Books and Lala. Her reading taste is completely opposite of mine- She dislikes a lot of my favourite books and vice versa. This doesn’t stop me from adoring her and watching every single video she puts out. She is wildly creative and entertaining! Every once in awhile she will talk about a book that I never would have thought to pick up, but the way she describes it intrigues me.

I have her to thank for getting me to try The Wayward Children series. I had heard about it for years, but it was Books and Lala who convinced me that I would be missing out if I didn’t give it a chance- and she was right. I am not normally drawn to horror/fantasy, but this series is so whimsical and creative. Each of the books in the series is unique and caught me by surprise!

5. A book that is out of your comfort zone that you would like to read.

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig


I will actually be doing a House of Salt and Sorrows buddy read in September and I am excited about it! If it were not for the buddy read, this is a book that would not even have been on my radar. I very rarely read YA fantasy, and retellings can be hit or miss for me. I am grateful that things like book clubs and buddy reads push me to read outside of my comfort zone. I have a good feeling about this one!

6. A book or genre so out of what you normally read that you’ll probably never give it a chance.

It by Stephen King


I rarely read horror, and when I do I would consider it ‘light’ horror. There is so much about It that makes it out of my comfort zone. Namely, it is 1000+ pages and is about a clown- my biggest fear. This is a huge NO for me. I will never go anywhere near it or watch the movie. I have never read a book by Stephen King and I am not sure that I ever will, but if I do, It will not be the one that I pick up.


What genre is most out of your comfort zone? kkbLogo

28 thoughts on “Out of My Comfort Zone- Book Tag

  1. Looks like it’s both me and you who rarely read horror! The last time I read a horror story was the Goosebumps series in fourth grade lol 😀 Horror movies, however, is different story. I’m a sucker for horror films.
    I typically stay away from all fantasy/fiction books. I prefer memoirs, realistic fiction, or historical novels. I know, I’m quite boring 🙂

  2. It’s such a great idea to try and read outside of your comfort zone. I think I fall into the trap of reading very similar books over and over again. That being said, I don’t think I could ever read horror. Which is such a shame, as one of my favourite books is On Writing by Stephen King. I’ve been wanting to try one of his books for years but I’m a bit too much of a wimp 😛 I love Naturally Tan though. Autobios are one of my weaknesses. Great post! 😀

    1. I am going to dip my toe in to horror this fall because I want to read Silence of the Lambs. I don’t think I will work my way up to Stephen King though! I do want to read On Writing!

      Naturally Tan is so good. I adore him so much!

      1. Ooh Silence of the Lambs… good luck! I somehow imagine that as being worse than Stephen King, although can you really get worse past a certain point? I think horror is horror is horror 😛 I hope you enjoy the read though!

  3. Hahaha surprisingly my bf has managed to convince me to step out of my comfort zone & watch horror movies, but I’m still not hugely interested in picking up books in that genre. I read a pretty terrifying thriller a few years ago & am in no hurry to repeat that experience 😂

    💛 Ngoc

  4. This is a fun tag. I have heard a lot of good things about house of salt and sorrow… also things I didnt expect like how dark and gothic it is!

  5. Historical fiction and horror/thrillers are definitely out of my comfort zone! I loved your answers – The Hating Game was actually a book that made me realize how much I actually enjoy romance. And I love Tan so much, and it’s so great to hear that the book is also great. If you want to check out another celebrity memoir, I highly suggest Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime. Loved this tag and your answers!

    1. Thank you! I think that I like thrillers but then I realize I do not read them very often.

      Tan is so adorable! I read Born a Crime knowing absolutely nothing about Trevor Noah and thought it was fantastic. Another great audiobook!

  6. Great answers! I think YA fantasy is probably out of my comfort zone, but that may be a false perception, since I don’t really read it. Like you, I have stopped reading contemporary romance and unlike you I am not sure, I will start again 🙂

    1. Thank you! I feel the same way about YA fantasy. I used to read it because they were the hyped books but I have definitely shied away from them lately. I should really give them a chance again!

      There is some great contemporary romance out there, but I totally get it- not a genre for everyone!

  7. I’m reading It not after telling myself I never would for years. Honestly it’s not as bad as I had thought but if you don’t like horror or haven’t read any other King I’d stay away from It 🙂 For me outside my comfort zone would probably be romance and I don’t have many winners when I try!

  8. Fun tag, Kristin! I’m never really sure where my comfort zone is until I try a book that makes me go, “Oh, okay. So this is a subject I’m not into/comfortable with.” 😀 And I’ve heard great things about House of Salt and Sorrows, I hope you like it!

  9. Memoirs and Nonfiction are definitely out of my comfort zone but I also read “Naturally Tan” and really really enjoyed it! It definitely motivated me to try more memoirs in the future!

  10. I am 100% here for The Hating Game love (and also the never reading of IT!!)
    I also didn’t realise Every Heart a Doorway was fantasy / horror… and it’s making me think twice about reading it again?!

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