Debut Novels I Love

There is something special about finding a really amazing debut novel.  There are so many debut novels that I read that blow me away and it is hard to believe that it is the author’s first book. Today I am sharing just five of the many debut novels that I adore!

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi


The writing in Homegoing is so beautiful and it is incredible how Yaa Gyasi is able to weave her story together.  It is amazing that this is her debut novel and I hope we are blessed with more work from her in the future.  It is because of her and this book that I discovered how powerful multi-generational stories could be and I fell in love with them.

The Beauty that Remains by Ashley Woodfolk


The Beauty that Remains is a book that I feel is underrated. It was recently released in paperback with this stunning cover and I hope that helps more readers to discover it. It is such an honest look at grief and how we all deal with loss in different ways.  It also highlights the power of music- which I believe in and love! Woodfolk’s next book is set to release in 2020 and I can not wait!

The Secret History by Donna Tartt


I finally picked up Donna Tartt’s wildly successful debut novel and wow- it is as amazing as everyone says that it is! It is so dark and complex and I was completely captivated by it. These are awful characters but you still find yourself invested in them and their stories.  It is incredible that this is her debut novel- it’s absolutely brilliant!

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman


Every since I read Starfish I can not stop gushing about it! It is just so real and has some of the best mental health representation that I have ever read.  It is one of those books that I know has the potential to be life changing for some readers- and I do not say that lightly.  So many people will be seen and heard by this book.

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden


Katherine Arden has quickly become one of my favourite authors and it is hard to believe that The Bear and the Nightingale was her debut novel.  I do not know that I have ever read a book that was so atmospheric and had such a sense of place.  You could actually feel the chill in your bones!


What is your favourite debut novel?


31 thoughts on “Debut Novels I Love

  1. Homegoing feels like a classic novel. It’s such a powerful story and I can’t believe its her debut. I have all the others still on my TBR. I can’t wait to get those. Great list! 🙂

  2. I’ve seen The Secret History on a few lists and feel like I should really be checking that out now. I know little to nothing about it so I should probably swing myself over to Goodreads!

    The Bear and the Nightingale – what a stunning debut book and what a wonderfully fantastic book to have as a debut. Katherine Arden really did herself proud IMO.

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