Five Books I Want to Reread

Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm.

Admittedly, I am not someone who rereads often, even though I like the idea of rereading.  I think I just get distracted by shiny new books! These are the books that in theory I want to reread…

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi


Homegoing is one of my favourite novels and there are so many layers an intricacies throughout it that I am sure that I missed.  I have a feeling that I would come to appreciate even more upon rereading it.  I love that it is a multigenerational novel and that it shines a light on immigration.  It is interesting to think about how our ancestors affected the course of our lives.

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill


The Lonely Hearts Hotel was the best book I read in 2017 and I want to be in this world with these characters again.  It is so atmospheric! I am going to Montreal for the first time in June and I am actually considering bringing this book along with me as it is set in Montreal.

Lincoln in the Bardo by George Sanders


I very much enjoyed Lincoln in the Bardo.  I read the physical copy but I have since heard so many amazing things about the audiobook so I would love to reread it that way.  There are something like 166 different voices in the audiobook! Sounds like an absolute masterpiece to me.

Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel


Sleeping Giants is my favourite SciFi series as you probably know because I talk about it all of the time.  I love the way the books are told and they are very quick reads.  I truly can see myself reading when I feel a reading slump coming on and I need something that I know I will love.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote


I read Breakfast at Tiffany’s years ago and I do not think that I appreciated it then as much as I would now.  I read In Cold Blood earlier this year and loved Capote’s writing style.  I think if I took the time to sit down and savour Breakfast at Tiffany’s I would probably really love it.


What books would you love to reread? Are you a rereader in general? I would love to know!


39 thoughts on “Five Books I Want to Reread

  1. Lincoln in the Bardo audiobook is quite fantastic. The only thing that really pulled me out of it was when there was a lot of quoted material all grouped together. A lady with a somewhat robotic voice kept interrupting to give the source. I understand it couldn’t really be done any other way, but it was a bit jarring. Overall, still a one-of-a-kind experience.

  2. I hope you will love them just as much the second time around!
    I’m planning on rereading all the books in the grishaverse this summer 🙂


  3. I am a huge advocate for rereading. It’s my go-to method when I’m in a reading slump. I’ve yet to read Sleeping Giants, but it’s been on my tbr list for a while. My go-to reread is I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios!

  4. I’m not a really a re-reader, but there have been a few books I’ve gone back to just because I missed them. I most recently re-read Twilight for the first time in almost 10 years!

  5. We have the same dilemma. There are just too many books out there it is an impossibility to reread books one have already read. 🙂 Interesting list though. I am still to read Lincoln in the Bardo and Homecoming is a novel I am very curious about. Hopefully I get to avail a copy of the latter (I already have a copy of the former):)

  6. I read Homegoing a few months ago and absolutely loved it. I just myself a physical copy last week at the library book sale. Now I can reread it to my hearts content.

  7. I love reading along to an audible narration on my Kindle because I’ve found that the good voice actors add that extra depth to the story, especially with the characters’ voices, which sometimes turns a 3star into a 4star.

      1. You’re absolutely right, Kristin, I have found some amazing performers, of course on the other hand I’ve listened to some that made me cringe and stop because it was better in my head. Lol!

  8. I have The Lonely Hearts Hotel on my TBR, but I haven’t heard anyone talking about it, so this was exactly what I needed to finally read it, and hopefully love it as well😊.

  9. Homegoing is definitely one I’d love to re-read in the near future. I also need to pick up The Lonely Hearts Hotel and Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the first time.

  10. I have The Lonely Hearts Hotel sitting on my bookshelf as we speak – I got it mostly for the cover, so I’m glad to hear it’s good!

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