80’s Movie Book Tag

Books I Like,But I Am Reluctantto Recommend (3)

I was born in 1989, so I am technically an 80’s kid right?!? I have always loved 80’s movies and when I saw this tag on Jenna’s blog I knew I had to do it! So much nostalgia!

A book that kept you up all night

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote


I was surprised to find that I could not put down In Cold Blood.  I had it in my head that ,because it is a classic, it would be difficult to read, but I thought the writing was beautiful and very readable.  It is very descriptive but it allowed me to perfectly imagine the events that took place. I kept thinking “ok, ten more pages,” but then I just kept reading because I had to know what was going to happen.

A WONDERFULLY quotable book

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery


I think these quotes speak for themselves:

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

“There’s such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I’m such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn’t be half so interesting.”

“Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worth while.”

A character who loves breaking the rules

Kady from Illuminae


What makes Kady so great is the fact that she break all the rules, and it is a good thing that she does!

A couple that took an eternity to get together

Lucy and Joshua from the Hating Game by Sally Thorne


The Hating Game has one of my favourite tropes- enemies to lovers! What I love about that trope is all the tension that it builds and that it takes forever for the characters to get together.  Lucy and Joshua had such great banter, and seeing them eventually recognize their feelings for one another was delightful!

A book involving time travel

How to Stop Time by Matt Haig


How to Stop Time does not have your traditional time travel.  It is actually about a man who ages very, very slowly, so you follow him through the decades.  It was not my favourite book, but I did find the time travel aspect really intriguing.

A character with a unique style

Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before


There is so much that I love about Lara Jean, and one of those things is her style.  She knows what she likes style-wise and she is not afraid to wear what she wants.  That is something about her that I think is inspiring.

Favourite book involving the training/mentoring trope

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang


The Poppy War has this trope at the beginning of the novel, and I really enjoyed that part! The main character has a mentor who is first reluctant to help her, but begins to truly embrace and encourage her. I found their dynamic interesting!

A book with a trip that doesn’t go as planned

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee


This book is the definition of a trip that does not go to planned! The entire novel is about a Grand Tour of Europe that completely derails. Such a fun read!

A book with the central character’s name in the title

Genesis Begins Again by Alicia D. Williams


The main character in this novel is named Genesis, and she is brilliant! I freaking love that name and her as a character.  Please read this book!

A female character who comes out of her shell

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman


This book at its core is about Eleanor’s journey to self discover and acceptance.  There are a lot of ups and downs, and I found myself relating to her in a lot of ways.

A death that took you by surprise

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness


I have said this before and I will say it again- I will never forgive Patrick Ness!

An ending that left you both happy and sad

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton


I have always found the ending of The Outsiders to be very bittersweet.  The story ends with the same lines as it begins which highlights the journey that Ponyboy has been on.


23 thoughts on “80’s Movie Book Tag

  1. I have to agree with your choice of Anne of Green Gables. And, you’re a ’90s kid because you grew up in the ’90s and an ’80s baby because you were born in the ’80s.

  2. Oh my, this is the best tag of all times. Really! I was not even born in the 80s, but I love soooo many of these movies. Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Pretty in Pink… They’re all truly iconic. Plus, young Tom Cruise & Patrick Swayze? Hahah.
    I think there’s no other character with a unique style than Lara Jean! I’m glad the movie made sure to incorporate that as well, as I feel like her vintage aesthetic was one of my favorite things that made the character so unique.

  3. Love this tag and some great choices. I am wondering though if you could use The Princess Bride for The Princess Bride. It’s definitely my most quotable book.

    I am with you on Patrick Ness and what makes it worse is that he shows literally no remorse about it 😭

  4. Ooooo! I’m glad you decided to give this a go! I’m a ’91 baby, but my mom raised me on ALL the good ol’ 80’s films!

    Lara Jean for Pretty in Pink is SUCH a good pick! I miss reading about her adventures. Guide #1 and adventure not as planned … too true ha-ha. I actually plan to re-read it (again) this year!

    I LOVE THE OUTSIDERS! It’s still one of my all-time favourite novels. Ponyboy’s journey is beautiful but there’s so much sadness! I thought the ending was great, but I was left feeling both hopeful but sad afterwards.

    Awesome list, love!

      1. The second one was okay in my opinion. The characters are phenomenal — but the story was just not nearly as great as Guide 1.

        I know, eh?! I have the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” memorized because I loved it so much. Ugh…the feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Great answers, Kristin! I actually used The Gentleman’s Guide and Kady for those answers myself. Great minds think alike clearly, haha. Had I read The Poppy War before I created the tag, I would for sure have used that one for the training prompt too. Such a good read!
    I’d really like to read Eleanor Oliphant. Everyone always talks about how fantastic it is. I love books with good development of their central character. 🙂

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