TTT- Unique Book Titles

TopTen Tuesday (1)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that was created over at The Broke and the Bookish! This weeks topic was quite fun to write! I have never really put much thought in to book titles so it was interesting to look back on the books that I have read and choose 10 that I think have unique and clever titles! I realized that I have chosen a lot of these because of the unique meaning behind the titles as well!

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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I was really confused about this title until I read the novel, and now I really love it! I was sort of mad about the lack of turtles, but now it makes sense.  John Green is so great at incorporating his titles in to his stories. Love him or hate him, there is no denying that this title is unique!

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Image result for to kill a mockingbird

This is one of my favourite books and it is also one of my favourite titles! I am going to quote the book in an attempt to explained the title and why I think it is so meaningful and unique-

“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mocking bird.”

Me, Who Dove Into the Heart of the World by Sabina Berman

Image result for me who dove into the heart of the world

I have always loved this title, and it might be the only case that I can recall specifically picking up a book simple for the title! It has been years since I have read this book, but I did enjoy it and just seeing it on my shelf puts a smile of my face.

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Image result for aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe

This title is just too good! The characters names are Aristotle and Dante, and I just love that!  It is just such a clever title, and definitely one of my favourites!

Slaugherhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Image result for slaughterhouse five

This is one of those titles that just grabs your attention and makes you wonder what the book is about.  I finally picked this book up this year and I loved it.  I found this post that explains all of the meanings behind the title and found it interesting so thought I would share it!

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

Image result for the ocean at the end of the lane

I do not know why this title is so captivating and unique to me but I think that it was not until I actually read the novel that I actually appreciate the title.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Image result for ready player one

I grew up with a younger brother who is a gamer, and we bonded through video games.  We beat the majority of the Halo games together, but sadly I was always player two! I just have these vivid memories of seeing “ready player one/two” on the screen and this title brings me so much nostalgia!

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Image result for of mice and men

I love that this title comes from a poem written in 1785 by the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Here is a link to that poem in case you are interested in reading it!  The famous line goes “the best laid schemes of mice and men” and it really summarizes the tragedy that is Of Mice and Men.

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

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This title manages to be unique and also perfect for the story! It is set in a lighthouse located where the Indian Ocean meets the Great Southern Ocean.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Image result for the kite runner

I felt the need to include a Khaled Hosseini novel because not only do I love his books, but I also think they all have unique titles! I really could have chosen any of his books, but The Kite Runner is his first novel and my favourite!


This worked out perfectly because I have read and enjoyed all of these novels! I can not wait to see your TTT’s this week!


51 thoughts on “TTT- Unique Book Titles

      1. It’s just so clever how it comes from the poem, it reminds me of The Fault in Our Stars as well because that title comes from a Shakespeare quote and is one of my favourite book titles ever too!! 🙂

  1. These are fantastic choices. I kinda skipped over To Kill a Mockingbird and Slaughterhouse-Five in my post because I’ve heard the titles so often that I forget how amazing they are. (I also loved that you linked to shmoop. That website helped get me through college)

    here’s my TTT!

  2. Ready Player One has been on my to-read list for ages. My gaming experiences didn’t get any further than Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot, and I love those games. They made my childhood so much fun. I’m sad to hear that there are no Turtles in Turtle all the Way Down, but the title intrigues me, I just need to read the book haha.

  3. Wonderful picks! I agree about Mice and Men and Kite Runner. And even though I’m not a fan of Green’s work, I have to wholly agree that Turtles all the way down is an absolutely fantastic title!

  4. I am really loving this weeks TTT. So many great titles popping up and a lot of different ones too. Turtles is one that probably should have been on my list (I’ve been swithering enough recently over whether to buy or not) but I actually forgot about it.

    Ocean at the End of the Lane is such a great book. I can’t believe I forgot about it too.

  5. Me, Who Dove into the Heart of the World seems super interesting! Did you ever review it? I’d definitely be interested in reading that review! Great list!

  6. You picked some excellent titles for today’s TTT. And I completely agree with your reasoning for Ready Player One. My brother and I played a lot of games together when we were younger, but not so much now. But a few months ago he actually borrowed Ready Player One from me and read it. I can’t remember him ever asking to read one of my books before. He loved it and now any time he sees an arcade game that was featured in the book, he’ll take a picture of it and send it to me.

      1. It was funny because I was in New York for Book Expo and my brother texted me to see if I could maybe find a book for him while I was there, and that book happened to be RPO. I texted back and told him that it was in my room sitting on one of my bookcases. Then after he read RPO, he went back to my bookshelves and borrowed Ernest Cline’s other book, Armada.

  7. Great list! Some I’ve heard of (and read), some not — but I’m always intrigued by really long titles, like Me, Who Dove Into the Heart of the World .

  8. SO many great selections! I love love love the cover of The Light Between the Oceans. I tried starting it a couple years ago and could not get on board. Hopefully whenever I got back to it will be a better fit to start reading again.

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