Good Covers vs. Good Content

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme, that is hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion, where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. 

This week’s topic is about good covers vs. good content, and it really got me thinking about how much a nice cover matters to me! I think bookstagram has me paying more attention to covers than I ever have before. Is that such a good thing?

When you pick books to buy what is more likely to sway you, good cover or good contents (story)?

Is saying both a cop-out? I think a good cover is what initially grabs my attention and then the premise itself is what makes me actually want to read it. The sad thing about that is that I could be missing out on some really amazing books because the cover does not catch my eye. I really am such a visual person!

When you choose to unhaul books do you sometimes keep bad books if they’re pretty?

I think it is definitely more difficult for me to unhaul books that I don’t like if they have gorgeous covers, though it is something that I do. There are a few books on my shelves that I didn’t absolutely love, but they are just so pretty! I should really write a blogpost where I share all of those…

Do you love a book less if the cover is ugly even if the story is good? 

Thankfully, no. If I read a book with an ugly cover and I absolutely love the story, the cover has no effect on my rating or my enjoyment. If I am picking up a book with a cover I don’t like, it is safe to say that I have done my research and I am pretty confident that the story is something I am going to love.

Do you like covers less if it turns out the story inside isn’t very interesting?

Hmmm… I don’t think so? I can appreciate a book cover for what it is and as something separate from the story itself! That said, if I didn’t like the book, looking at the cover probably won’t bring me as much joy.

Would you rather have a shelf of good stories or beautiful covers?

Good stories, no question! Of course, I would ideally want both, and I do think covers have come a long way over the last few years. I am sure that Instagram and marketing has a lot to do with that, and I am someone who falls for it for sure!

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18 thoughts on “Good Covers vs. Good Content

  1. A good cover sure draws me to book but it wouldn’t have any impact on story for me, I would love it if story turned out as good as cover but if didn’t turn out good it wouldn’t make me hate the cover (it’s not artist’s fault, you see). At the same time if I didn’t like book I would keep it on shelf just because it has pretty cover and I wouldn’t mind if cover is not good but the story is amazing (I would just wish it could have lovely cover). Pretty cover or not, I only like books with great story on my shelf.

  2. There is a romance author that love and her content is (mostly always) AMAZING. But her covers are always, well different I guess, like no effort has been put into it? I typed that and realised I sounded awful though!!!!

  3. Great answers. I will pick up a book with a beautiful cover, and it the blurb is also good, I’ll buy it! But, like you, I’d rather have a bookshelf of beautiful stories and ugly covers than the reverse.

  4. Definitely both – if a book cover is pretty but doesn’t sound like something I’ll read, I put it back. I have limited space on my shelf so the story has to be good for me to keep. But I do so love a beautiful book cover!

  5. Saying both is definitely not a cop out, I love both and I think that’s what all books should strive for. Many of my favourite books have both a beautiful cover and a beautiful story!!

  6. I’d always take the content over the cover, but I must admit there were many books I never would have found if not for stumbling upon their beautiful covers.

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