Books with Nature on the Cover | Top Ten Tuesday

I love when a TTT topic is about book covers! I am someone who really appreciates a striking cover and I am particularly drawn to covers that include nature in some way. I had so much fun putting this post together! Also, I am going to try this new thing where I take my own photos for the blog whenever possible!

I read Pride and Premeditation recently and it has one of my favourite covers! Look at the colours and those florals! It was exactly the book that I needed when I read it- so light and fun. Feels like a cozy mystery with some of my favourite characters from Pride and Prejudice. It was so refreshing to be with those characters in a new way!

Far From the Tree has one of the most stunning covers ever! There is something so striking about the fall leaves. I don’t talk about this book often enough. It is definitely a favourite and an interesting book about siblings and adoption.

The tree on the cover of The Names They Gave Us is what initially caught my eye, but the book itself ended up being just as compelling. This is a heartbreaking YA contemporary set at a summer camp.

I think that Wild Beauty is the book that made me fall in love with florals on covers! The stunning cover perfectly matches the story inside.

Starfish is one of my favourite books of all time, and I am not ashamed to admit that the cover is why I picked it up in the first place!

The cover for Tin Man is actually inspired by Van Gogh, which plays a role in the story itself. I am such a sucker for sunflowers!

Annihilation is the strangest book I have ever read and nature is such a large part of the story. The cover is perfect!

Lincoln in the Bardo has a simple cover for a book that is anything but. I have grown to appreciate this book more as time has gone on!

I am sure you are familiar with the cover for Educated, but I just had to include it!

The cover for Furiously Happy is arguably my favourite ever! How hilarious is that raccoon? It always brings a smile to my face!

What is your favourite cover with nature?

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38 thoughts on “Books with Nature on the Cover | Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Starfish is such a pretty cover! I’ve never heard of it but if it’s one of your favorites I’ll definitely have to see what it’s all about. I haven’t read Annihilation yet but I really want to since I’ve heard it’s so unusual, and I love the cover of Tin Man!

  2. I love the cover of Furiously Happy too. Can’t help but smile when you look at it and reading about how the cover idea came about was interesting.

  3. Such gorgeous book covers. The Starfish one is my personal favourite, with the illustrations over space. 🙂
    Have you seen the first cover of the Australian edition of Charlotte Wood’s The Natural Way of Things? I’ve not read the book but the cover is so gorgeous with the native Australian florals, which makes it stand out at the bookstore. 🙂

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