Three Years of blogging + 20 questions to get to know me better

Where has the time gone?! I cannot believe that I have been blogging for three years already. It feels like just yesterday when I finished reading Everything Everything and I got this overwhelming feeling that I needed to share my thoughts on it with someone. Well, no one in my real life cared, so I turned to the internet. It has been one of the best decisions that I ever made. So much has happened in these last three years, and I have been afforded many opportunities that never would have happened if it were not for this blog. It is because of this blog that I started my Bookstagram account, and then I got into contact with someone who graduated from a Publishing program, which inspired me, and I am myself enrolled in that course and am now a full-time editor! I have also meant so many incredible bookish people who just get me. This community is incredible and it is an honour to be a part of it.

I saw this tag on Marie’s blog, Drizzle and Hurricane Books, and I thought that this was a perfect way to celebrate three years of blogging and for you all to learn more about me.

Top three books of all times.

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill

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The Lonely Hearts Hotel is everything that I love about fiction. It is slow paced, incredibly atmospheric, and beautifully written. This is a book that I think about all of the time and that I find myself constantly recommending. The story its magical in some ways, while also being absolutely devastating.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


I love books that challenge me in some way and that bring up moral or ethical questions. Never Let Me Go had my mind spinning and I think it is a book that everyone should read.

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck


Cannery Row will always be my favourite book, and it one of the few books that I will reread. I can’t even tell you how many times I have read it and I always take something new away from it.

Top three places I want to travel to.


How to choose the right travel insurance for Ireland? |

There is something about Ireland that is calling my name. It looks beautiful and there is a lot of history there. It doesn’t hurt that I am part Irish!

Nice, France

The Ultimate Nice Travel Guide - France Travel Blog

This photo is actually my computer background, and I do not think that I need to explain why this is a place I would love to visit!


Fiji Coral Coast Resort Hotel | Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay

My ultimate dream is to stay in one of these bungalows over the water in Fiji- it looks like heaven!

Dream place to live.


Why Isn't Boston's Housing Market Slowing Down?

Boston is my favourite city, and I would love to live there. Toronto is a close second, and a more realistic option.

A TV show I’m obsessed with.


Lost | Lostpedia | Fandom

I recently finished my rewatch of Lost, and I was reminded how much I freaking love this show. It has so many layers and mind-blowing moments, but what stands out to me are the characters. They each of such complicated backstories and their relationships with one another are deep and complicated. I get so invested whenever I watch!

Last three songs I listened to.

If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) by The 1975

To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles

The Girl by City and Colour

Three people I’d love to have dinner with, dead or alive.

I decided to copy Marie on this one and share the three authors I would love to have dinner with!

Jane Austen

Jane Austen | Biography & Novels | Britannica

No explanation needed!

Colson Whitehead

Colson Whitehead

I am in awe of Colson Whitehead and have loved both The Underground Railroad and The Nickel Boys. He has had an incredible career for someone so young, and I cannot wait to see where he goes from here. I just want to pick his brain!

Madeleine Miller

Madeline Miller on 'Circe' and the staying power of myth - Los ...

The Song of Achilles and Circe are two of my favourite novels, and I adore Madeleine Miller. I selfishly would want to have dinner with her just to get the insight scope on her next novel!

Favourite movie of all time.


Rocketman (2019) - IMDb

I have many favourite movies, Pride and Prejudice (2005) being at the top, but my most recent favourite is Rocketman. It has only been out for year, but I have seen it over ten times. I adore Taron Egerton and Elton John’s music, and there is something comforting about this movie.

Favourite board game.


Buy Codenames Game | Board games | Argos

I love that Codenames is easy to set up, but it is also a challenging game that makes you think.

Ultimate comfort food.

Mashed potatoes

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes With Sour Cream and Chives Recipe ...

My mom makes the best mashed potatoes, so whenever I eat them it brings me so much comfort and reminds me of home.

Favourite season.


forest autumn GIF

I love Fall weather and the clothing. I also love all of the foods associated with that time of year!

Favourite holiday.


excited the office GIF

I love the Christmas season more than the actual day!

My signature scent.

Nirvana Black Perfume by Elizabeth and James

Elizabeth and James: Nirvana by Mary–Kate and Ashley Olsen (With ...

I love really woody, spicy scents that would normally be considered night time scents, but I wear them all day long. My go-to perfume is Nirvana Black, and I always get compliments when I wear it.

Describe your ideal day.

summer winter GIF by netflixlat

My ideal day is pretty simple. I would spend all day on the beach with an iced coffee and my favourite book- there is nothing better than that!

Something I’m proud of.

Why is this question always so difficult to answer? It really shouldn’t be! Without getting too personal, I am most proud of the fact that I was able to fight my way out of a dark place, and I am now embracing life- it feels good, and this blog was the start of that for me.

Five things I love about myself.

  1. My love of animals
  2. My optimism
  3. My sense of humour
  4. My open-mindedness
  5. My introversion

Some blogs I love.

So many! Where do you even begin?! I will list some of my favourites here, but I plan to write a post sharing more of my faves in the future.

  1. Misty’s Book Space
  2. Shades of Paper
  3. The Orangutan Librarian
  4. Howling Libraries
  5. AvalinahsBooks

My ten most used emojis.


Favourite childhood memory.

Ice Cream Man GIF

I love this question! I have so many amazing childhood memories, so it is hard to choose just one. The first thing that comes to mind is the ice cream truck that used to drive down our street every day during the summer. We would hear the sounds of the ice cream truck and all of the kids in the neighbourhood would rush outside. There is something so innocent about that!

My biggest pet peeve.

Willful ignorance. I completely understand being uniformed about a topic, but once something is pointed out to you, I think it is important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

60 thoughts on “Three Years of blogging + 20 questions to get to know me better

  1. I used to live in Boston. Very weird to see Boston as someone else’s dream city 😛 Boston is….eh…it’s just okay IMO. I mean, there IS a good food scene. I’d say NYC beats it out by miles though.

  2. Congratulations on three years blogging and it’s wonderful that you’ve become a full time editor!! I’d love to go to Ireland as well especially if it meant I got to see the GOT sets and the Titanic museum. And I’d love to visit any part of France tbh. The main place is Paris as it has so much to see and do there but Nice does look stunning 😍 I finally read Circe earlier this year and loved it. I can’t wait to see what Madeline Miller writes next.

  3. Congratulations!!!! It is funny you mention ice cream trucks! I don’t know about anywhere else but since Colorado went on lock down? My subdivision suddenly has an ice cream truck?!

  4. Codenames is so much fun!! 😀 Whenever my friends come over it gets really intense (because it DOES make you think) but it is always a blast. The Song of Achilles is also one of my favorite books of all time. The prose is just fantastic and so, so mesmerizing ❤ Congrats on your blogiversary!!

  5. Happy blogiversary 🥳 it was so fun reading your answers to these questions !! I automatically added The Lonely Hearts Hotel to my TBR after reading your description of it- it sounds like a book that is right up my alley 🙂

  6. Congratulations on 3 years here’s to many more years to come. It made my day seeing you list me as one of your favorite blogs and along with so many other amazing bloggers thank you so much!! I would honestly just like to go somewhere where the water was so blue and clear that you can see the bottom.

  7. Great post Kristin! Congrats on 3 years 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈 I’m glad I found you!
    I need a rewatch of Lost! I loved the finale and the whole point of helping each other through life and walking each other home.

  8. Happy Blogiversary!! 😀 Woohoo to 3 years! 🎉
    The way you talk about Cannery Row is the same way I talk about Dorian Gray, so I get you!
    Ooo those songs you’ve been listening to! 😍I’m super obsessed with Harry Styles album, it’s SO good. It’s got such a 70s vibe and I just love it! And of course I love City and Colour ❤️

  9. Absolutely lovely post, I always enjoy learning this kind of stuff about people! Congratulations on a three year milestone. I enjoy reading your blog and I know I’ll continue to do so!

  10. Happy bloggiversary!! Three years is amazing!! <3 Great post to do!! I love Never Let Me Go! and both Nice and Ireland are lovely 😀 I'd really like to go to Fiji as well. I'd love to have dinner with Austen and Madeline Miller too. (gosh I'd love to get the inside scoop about her next book too!!) and thank you so much for mentioning me <3

  11. Congratulations on three years! If you ever get to Ireland hit me up. I’d love to meet you for coffee (and book buying)

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