Kristin Kraves Books

Books with Magical Creatures


Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm.

This week’s topic was a challenge for me because I do not read a lot of fantasy and my favourite Magical Creatures are all from Harry Potter.  So, I decided that talk about books I love that feature vampires, witches, mermaids, dragons, and ghosts.


The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa


Blood of Eden is such an underrated vampires series.  I know that Kagawa’s other books are popular but I never see anyone talking about Blood of Eden, which is such a shame.  I love her take on vampires and this series has my favourite villains of all time.  He is so complex and you never know whose side he is truly on.  I highly recommend giving The Immortal Rules a chance!


Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman

I have read many books about witches but none have lived up to The Rules of Magic.  It is the prequel to Practical Magic and it has somehow managed to be even better than that book.  I loved that the story follows three siblings and we get to see how they each embrace their magic in different ways.  Watching them grow up and interact with one another was a complete joy.  The magic was interesting as well but also felt very authentic.


Wake by Amanda Hocking

This series is just plain fun! If you are going to read it you can not take it too seriously.  It reads like you are watching a CW show and I loved every single second of it.  I distinctly remember impatiently waiting for the next books in the series to come out because I needed more! I also loved that this series portrayed mermaids as dark and evil behind their pretty facade- made for entertaining reads that you can devour in one sitting.


The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 

Classic! I talked about my love for Smaug recently on my blog but he truly is my favourite dragon- so iconic!


Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

Sing, Unburied, Sing is not your typical ghost story and it is much more literary than the other books on this list.  I just couldn’t pass on the opportunity to talk about it.  I read this book last year and I have grown to appreciate it even more over time.  The ghost in the story adds an element of sadness and gives us greater inside in to the other characters in the novel.  This is a book that is difficult to read but the pay off is worth it.

What is a book with magical creatures that I must read?

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