Kristin Kraves Books

Books Recently Added to My TBR


I am constantly added books to my TBR and I thought it might be interesting to talk about why I want to read them. I also get a secret joy out of adding more books to your TBRs!

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver


First of all, look at the cover! How could that not instantly grab your attention? Also, I follow Mason on twitter and they are amazing. I feel like I have been following along their journey of having this book published and I can not wait to read it. The early reviews have been glowing. It comes out tomorrow so my wait is almost over!

Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman

As you might have seen from my review of Starfish yesterday, I have fallen in love with Akemi Dawn Bowman. I will now read anything that she writes. Summer Bird Blue sounds like it is going to be another tough read but I trust the story in Bowman’s hands.

The Plaza: The Secret Life of America’s Most Famous Hotel by Julie Satow

How interesting does this book sound? The Plaza is such an iconic hotel with a lot of history. I am so intrigued to read about all of the people who have stayed there and how the hotel became what it is today. This line in the synopsis particularly caught my attention: “With glamour on the surface and strife behind the scenes, it is the story of how one hotel became a mirror reflecting New York’s place at the center of the country’s cultural narrative for over a century.”

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

I have had Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde on my shelves for years and have yet to get around to reading it. I have always been intrigued by his novels but when I heard someone on one of my many bookish podcasts talking about The Eyre Affair I knew I had to read it. Jane Eyre is a character and there is time travel involved… it just sounds so freaking cool!

Golden Child by Claire Adam

Golden Child has mediocre reviews on Goodreads but I recently talked about how I am not going to let that stop me from picking up a book that sounds interesting to me. All I know about it is that it is set in Trinidad and it involves parents having to make an impossible choice between their two sons. Gwen on the podcast The Librarian is In talked about it recently and the way she described it caught my attention.

After the End by Clare Mackintosh

Clare Mackintosh wrote my favourite thriller, I Let You Go, and I have been told that her other novels are even better! When I saw that she was publishing a new novel, set to release on June 25th, I didn’t even have to see what it was about to know that I wanted to read it.

A River in Darkness: One Main’s Escape from North Korea by Masaji Ishikawa

My brother has a fascination with North Korea, and I thought that A River in Darkness might make for a good gift for him. The more I looked in to it the more I was interested in it for myself. I think I may buy us both a copy and I will try to convince him to buddy read it with me.

What book have you most recently added to your TBR? What intrigued you about it?

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