How My Reading Has Changed in 2018

I know that I have posted a lot about 2018 lately, but this is the last one- I promise! 2018 was my first full year of blogging and it has lead to a lot of self-discoveries. Reflecting back on the year, I cannot believe how much my reading has evolved, and I cannot wait to see what 2019 brings!

I have read more non-fiction

I read 28 non-fiction titles this year, which I am very pleased with considering that I only read two in 2017. I did not start the year thinking I would embrace non-fiction, but I picked up I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O’Farrell and it sent me down a rabbit hole of non-fiction. It is such a diverse genre, and it is fun finding books that appeal to my interests. My TBR list includes so many non-fiction titles that I am looking forward to reading in 2019.

I discovered audiobooks

I never thought that I would be someone who enjoys audiobooks, because typically I am a visual learner. I realized that the time I was spending cooking and cleaning could be even more productive if I started listening to audiobooks, so I gave it a try. I am so glad that I did! It completely changed my reading life and I was able to read the most books I have ever read in a year. I love finding narrators who I love and there are certain books that I think are even better when listened to!

I discovered graphic novels

I had always wanted to read graphic novels but none of them caught my attention. I saw that Hoopla had Saga and I had heard so many good things about it, so figured I would pick it up. I was blown away by it! The illustrations truly add to the story and bring the world to life. I am completely onboard the graphic novel train and understand why people love them so much. I am hoping to read more graphic novels, such as Lumberjanes and Paper Girls, in 2019!

I received more ARCs

I became part of the Penguin Random House blogger program this year, which has been truly amazing. I have discovered so many books that I never would have picked up otherwise. I find having too many ARCs can be overwhelming, but I think I have found a nice balance. I am able to read both ARCs and books off my own shelves without feeling I have to compromise or I am forcing myself to read books I am not interested in.

I am better at choosing books

I think one of the biggest and greatest changes I have made this year is that I have come to better understand what I like and what I do not like in a novel. I might make a whole post explaining more about that in the future! This discovery has lead me to being able to choose books that I know I will enjoy. Sure, there were a few books that let me down this year, but there were fewer than in past years. I also read some of my all-time favourite novels this year! It has been amazing!

I think more critically

This has been a process, but I do feel that I am starting to think more critically when I read, and I am embracing it. I want reading to remain a fun experience, but I also think it is important to realize and acknowledge the problems that a book might have. I like that I am starting to better understand why I love or hate a novel and I am able to put those thoughts into words. This is something I hope to continue to work on this year!


It has been a wonderful year both personally and in my reading life. I have you all to thank for a large part of that! Thank you for your support, your comments, and your friendship! This community continues to surprise me in wonderful ways.

How did your reading life change in 2018?

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32 thoughts on “How My Reading Has Changed in 2018

  1. Love this post! It’s fun to reflect on the last year and see how we’ve grown! I’ve discovered graphic novels this year too! I’ve definitely read more this past year than ever before. 🥰🥳📚 Happy New Year and Happy reading in 2019!

  2. Ooo Great Post! Do you have a list of your fave Non-Fiction books? I would love to dive on this genre this year. Happy New Year!! ✨

      1. I read 8 classics and all of them were great. But my most favorite were –
        Anne of Green gables was so refreshing that I decided to read whole series. I’m reading third in series right now.
        To kill mockingbird was thought-provoking and
        Heidi was adorable.

  3. Lumberjanes is an amazing series! I just picked up Papergirls myself, and I’m excited to start reading that. I’m unable to get into Saga (and my boyfriend has warned me away from it, too, because of some of the content), but Steven likes it.

    I’ve been lining my shelves with more non-fiction recently, too, and I love it!

  4. This is such a great post. I honestly don’t know how my reading has changed, other than the fact that I’m starting to read less YA Fantasy.

  5. I relate with some of these lessons and also hope to learn some myself for the new year.
    I’ve been thinking about audiobooks for a while now. I’ve never really enjoyed the feeling of someone reading out loud. For some reason, I just find it incredibly cringe-worthy, especially if it is a romance scene. However, audiobooks can be so convenient! When I’m doing the dishes or playing Candy Crush on my phone (which I do more often than I probably should, lol) I end up listening to podcasts. Even though they are fun, I think I would’ve read a lot more this last year if I had listened to audiobooks instead. I’m looking to maybe sign up for scribd, and hopefully I’ll be able to accomplish this in the new year.
    I also feel like 2018 allowed me to think more critically about which books will interest me or not. I’ve become a lot more self-aware of my likes & dislikes and I’ve enjoyed most of the books I read in 2018, which I’m super happy about. I’ve also been reading a lot more reviews lately, before picking something up. For me, though, the reviews serve more as a way to check if I won’t be triggered by any specific theme, since I’ve had unpleasant surprises many times in the past.
    Wishing you a fantastic reading year in 2019! 💛

    1. I think it is just a matter of finding the right audiobooks. The narrator can really make or break it! I used Scribd and,while it is not perfect, it is great for listening to audiobooks! I also get them from my library! I think self – awareness about my reading tastes has been the biggest thing for me this year! I like reviews for the same reasons. Happy 2019!!

  6. You had a fantastic year Kristin! And yes being part of Random House program helped me too! NOw I just have to get to that point you are at: balancing between ARCs and “moody reads”.

  7. These are all excellent changes, Kristin! One of my goals has also been to read more nonfiction, and so far so good. I completely agree with you about I Am, I Am, I Am; definitely one of my favorite reads of the year. Hopefully we’ll both discover even more great nonfiction in 2019!

  8. I’m so happy to see how well this year has been going for you 😀 I feel like my blogging is what changed more than my reading this year. I started taking my blog seriously and I think that helped me read more critically too

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