Kristin Kraves Books

TTT- Winter TBR (Why TBRs Do Not Work for Me)



Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that was created over at The Broke and the Bookish! This week we are supposed to share our Winter TBRs! You may have noticed that I very rarely ever post a TBR and that is because I am horrible at sticking to them.  I have posted a Summer and a Fall TBR and both have been an epic failure. I only read 3 out of the 9 books on my Summer TBR and 3 out of the 10 books on my Fall TBR!

I am 100 percent a mood reader so it is very difficult for me to predict which books I will read in the near future.  One minute I am in the mood for historical fiction and the next I want to read SciFi. I also buy books at random and I never really know what I will end up buying. There have been so many cases where I plan to read a certain novel but I end up buying a new one that I want to read right away and the original book is all but forgotten.

All that being said I am going to post a Winter TBR but I have my doubts that I will be able to stick to it! You might also notice that a few of these were on my Fall and even my Summer TBRs… I would love to know your opinion on TBRs and whether or not you are able to follow them!

Legend by Marie Lu

Having recently read Warcross by Marie Lu, I now want to read her others books! I have heard about Legend for years but just never picked it up.  I have been wanting to get back in to dystopian novels so I am excited about this one.

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty

Liane Moriarty’s novels are so fun to read! I always read her books very quickly so they are perfect to help me out of a reading slump. My friend actually bought this book and he keeps asking what I thought of it so I really should read it some time soon!

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill

I recently shared the synopsis for The Lonely Hearts Hotel on my blog and I am really excited about it.  I just have this feeling that I am going to love this book!

Britt Marie Was Here by Fredrik Backman

Why haven’t I read this book yet?? I know I am going to love it! It is very high on my TBR. I actually hope to read a few of Fredrik Backman’s this winter.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown

I read and loved Red Rising earlier this year and I have been meaning to pick up the second book ever since.  I have been told that Golden Son is even better than Red Rising!

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This is the same story as Red Rising.  I loved Illuminae and have been meaning to read Gemina ever since.

Uncommon Type: Some Stories by Tom Hanks

This book is on my Christmas list and I am so intrigued by it. I love Tom Hanks and I have heard excellent things about his writing.

Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu

Wonder Woman: Warbringer was such a good book! I had such a fun time reading it and I can not wait to read every book in this series.  The fact that Marie Lu wrote this book is another bonus!

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

Whenever I mention that I love WWII fiction someone recommends either this book or Between Shades of Grey.  I can not believe that I have not read one of her books yet! I took advantage of the Black Friday sale of Book Outlet and this was one of the books that I picked up.  It is high on my priority list!

On Hitler’s Mountain: Overcoming the Legacy of a Nazi Childhood by Irmgard A. Hunt

I have read a lot of non fiction WWII novels, but never from the perspective of a person who was a German child at the time. I usually try to read a few non fiction novels a year but haven’t been so great about that in 2017! I am hoping to do better!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Please let me know whether or not you follow a TBR!

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