Kristin Kraves Books

DNFing Books


Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.

DNF is an acronym that stands for did not finish. What makes you DNF a book?

Since joining the book community, I DNF more than I used to because I have learned that there are too many amazing books out there to waste my time reading books I am not enjoying. There are so many reasons that I could potentially DNF, so I made a list (of course, there are always exceptions!):

How often do you DNF books?

Because I am a mood reader, I often ” soft ” DNF. This means that I will put down a book knowing it is not the right time for me to read it but planning to return to it in the future. “Hard” DNFs are rare, but it does happen and is always disappointing. I find I DNF a lot of Kindle Unlimited books and audiobooks I find on Scribd because I haven’t invested any money into them. It hurts more when I DNF a book I purchased, so I will usually push through.

I typically DNF a book pretty early on. It doesn’t take me long to realize that a book is just not for me. I cannot remember the last time that I DNFed a book at 50% or more.

What’s the silliest or pettiest reason why you DNF’d a book?

It is probably because of hype. I find that when a book is getting so much love and attention, it is difficult for the book to live up to it, so when I pick it up I find myself disappointed and will put it down. This is what happened to me with The Spanish Love Deception and The Love Hypothesis!

Do you review books that you DNF?

Because I typically DNF a book very early on, I do not review them. Most of the time I won’t even mention that I tried a book I DNFed because I haven’t read enough to review it or to be fair to it.

Do you DNF?

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