How I Track My Reading

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.

 Do you keep track of the books you read? If so, do you use Goodreads? Storygraph? Another platform?

I do track my reading and have had a Goodreads account since 2010! I have kept track of all the books I have read since then, but I never paid too much attention to stats like page numbers, genre, format, etc. until more recently. I now track my books on Goodreads (mostly because of the number of reviews available there) and on The Storygraph, which I adore and will continue to promote. If you are a stats nerd when it comes to reading, The Storygraph is for you, as it is for me!

I also use a digital reading tracker from Sarah’s Bookshelves, which might be a little bit overkill but I love it. I will say that I struggle more to keep up with this spreadsheet, but I love all of the stats that it gives me. I love the stats and charts that it gives me, but I really appreciate is the “Source” graph. This tells me how many ARCs I have read and where I have received the books from.

Speaking of overkill, I also have a physical reading journal where I print out photos of the covers of the books I read and write a review and some of my overall thoughts. I am currently using this reading journal from Bibliophile, which I love. It is almost full though, so I am in the market for a new one.

Has the way you keep track of your reading changed since you started blogging?

Absolutely! I used Goodreads exclusively before blogging and had no idea what I was missing! I also think that the way readers track their reading has changed a lot over the last five years. Goodreads was pretty much all we had back then, but there are so many more options now. Also, a lot of fellow bloggers have started to create elaborate trackers, which I love!

What are the pros and cons of tracking your reading?

There are a lot of pros, especially for a blogger or anyone who talks about books online. I don’t think I could blog the way that I do if I didn’t track my reading. That said, I don’t think it is necessary to track your reading in as many ways as I do. I only do that because I enjoy it! I do think that tracking your reading can open your eyes to trends in your reading or things about your reading that you might want to change. There is a negative side to that as well. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the numbers and the stats and to feel like you are in competition with yourself, which is never fun! That is why I always keep my Goodreads goal at 52 books- one book a week! This is an achievable goal for me and I never feel stressed about the number of books I have read or feel like I am falling behind.

Do you track your reading? How?

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31 thoughts on “How I Track My Reading

  1. I love that you track your reading multiple ways! I use Goodreads and a physical journal to track my reading but I don’t print out covers, that’s great you do that too thats so helpful in remembering the books!

  2. I used to just use Goodreads, and then I tried that plus a bullet reading journal, but I always fell behind and then had to spend hours catching up with it. Now I use a spreadsheet on Google Sheets to track my reading and keep more accurate stats – and I’m a little obsessed with it! I tried Storygraph, but it’s another one I can’t keep up with. I know Goodreads needs a lot of changes, but I can’t seem to break from it.

  3. I mostly just use Goodreads. I wish Storygraph was easier on my eyes, but the all white screen makes it hard for me to focus. I do love their stats, though!

  4. GoodReads is also my main way of tracking my reading progress, though like you, I also track the books I am reading in my journal too! I completely agree with what you said about how keeping track of books really gives you an insight on how your reading habits are changing. I have noticed that recently I am reading more and more romance as I grow older. 😂

    Here’s my post where I go into more details too.

  5. I love that you track your reading in multiple ways! I mainly use Goodreads as it has become a habit and I try to keep up my excel tracking spreadsheet I’ve been using for the past few years. Journals and Storygraph both sound like amazing options, but I’m terrible at keeping up with updating everything, so they would be a lost cause. Great post! 😀

  6. I don’t know how I don’t have you on StoryGraph when I’m pretty sure I heard about it from you!! 😱 I will have to rectify that and add you, if I can’t find you (I’m terrible at searching for things on there 😅) I’m Whimsically Meghan on there.
    I recently started using Notion to track my reading since I find I can accurately count my page numbers, since StoryGraph is more of a ballpark number based on the book and if it’s the correct version of the book, etc. etc. I used to do it on paper, but I find I’m more inclined to use Notion since I’m constantly on my phone anyways!

      1. Yay! 😀
        Oh I know, Notion is very overwhelming because you can do SO much with it. It took me a long time to play around with it to get it to kinda what I want. I also find that using it on a laptop is much easier than trying to create things in the mobile app!

  7. I use GoodReads myself, mostly as a way to motivate myself to read more by setting a yearly reading goal. I’m also familiar with the format of the site, having used it for a couple of years now. I like the idea of having a reading journal and there are so many booktubers that talk about and share their journals, but I feel like it might be a little bit time consuming to keep it constantly up to date… especially when you could be using that time to read more! 😛 How do you maintain your reading journal? What advice do you have for someone who would like to start journaling their reading experience?

    1. I definitely fall behind with my reading journal, but mine isn’t as aesthetically pleasing as a lot of the ones I’ve seen on booktube. Maybe one day I will do something like that, but I just want to get into the habit first.

      I definitely recommend using a reading journal that is already set up for you. Mine has a place for star ratings, thoughts, favourite quotes, etc!!

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