My Favourite Places to Read

I love this week’s TTT topic! I cannot believe that I have been blogging for over four years and I have never shared my favourite places to read. Like many readers, I will read anywhere and everywhere, but these are my favourite places. I tried to include my own photos where I could, so you could see some of my favourite places!

Bubble Bath

If I had to choose my ultimate favourite place to read, it would hands down be in a bubble bath. I am one of those people who ends the day with a bath- it is so relaxing and is where I get my best reading done.

In Bed

I have a feeling that this will be on everyone’s list today! I love reading a few pages in bed before falling asleep, but my new favourite thing is waking up early and reading in bed before doing anything else. Well… I get a coffee first, of course!

On the Beach

I am so lucky to be spending time near the beach right now and it is a dream. The beach is my happy place, and I love people watching and reading at the same time. The sound of waves makes for the perfect background noise when reading!

Sitting in a Muskoka Chair

My family’s cottage is located along a river, and I always look forward to being able to sit out there on a Muskoka chair, or Adirondack chair if you aren’t Canadian. There is nothing like reading with the boats going by!

Sitting at the Kitchen Island

I usually eat breakfast at the kitchen island and will either read a book physically while I do so or will listen to an audiobook.

On the Deck

I spend a lot of time reading on the deck in the summer and into the fall. I especially love it when it rains because it is a covered, so I can read out there while listening to the rain without getting me or my book wet!

By the Pool

While I prefer the beach, I also enjoy reading poolside!

On a Walk

Of course, I don’t physically read when on a walk, but I do listen to audiobooks, with only own earbud though- for safety! I LOVE listening to thrillers while on a walk… I don’t know what that says about me!

In the Car

I really wish I were one of those people who, as a passenger, could read in the car, but I get SO carsick. I always have! Thank goodness for audiobooks!

Lying on the Couch

It is funny because I don’t actually read on the couch very often! If I am on the couch, I am probably watching TV. I do every once in awhile though!

Where is your favourite place to read? I would love to know!

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67 thoughts on “My Favourite Places to Read

  1. I love reading while having breakfast too, but and in bed. But I guess just about everyone reads in bed.
    I’ve never tried reading in a bath, but I just might try it. Seems nice.

  2. My favorite is reading on the sofa. I’ve tried reading in the library and coffee shops, but I get too distracted by others around me and that makes it difficult for me to be transported into the book’s world 🌞

  3. I’ve seen a surprising number of people who listed reading in cars and I’m defo jealous! If I didn’t get car sick after like 5 minutes I could read so much more all the time 😂 Audiobooks are the best though!

  4. Great run-down 😊 the only one I can’t really do is read in the bath. I’ve tried, but it’s too hot/steamy and I just want to close my eyes or listen to something playing in the background. Trains and planes are also perfect reading places 📚

  5. I love the idea of reading on a covered deck during the rain. I have a porch, but it’s not really covered and when it rains here in Arizona, it’s hot and muggy and I would get soaked to boot. We’ve been having lots of monsoon storms here lately and I have been enjoying listening to the rain while I read – indoors, with the air conditioning blasting 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  6. I will read anywhere. I love reading on the couch and I have just recently started listening to audio books in the car. I can’t read in the car because I do get carsick, but now that my kiddos are older and occupy themselves, I can put in headphones 🙂

  7. I love reading to the sound of rain. And I wondered for a moment what a Muskoka chair was and then saw Adirondack- ah got it! 🙂

  8. Same for me with reading in the car. I really don’t understand what is it. But thank god for audiobooks. Your list has so many amazing reading nooks. But reading near water always makes me anxious. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to my physical books or even my kindle. Bed is probably where I read the most, like almost everyone I know.

  9. I love your list. Reading on that deck whilst it’s raining just sounds perfect 😍 I love reading in a car but can’t for the life of me read on a plane. Ma favorite places are: reading on my balcony, in my favorite café, in my school library during my break.

  10. I read every evening before going to bed. I also enjoy getting up early and reading while having my morning coffee. In the fall, i especially enjoy reading on the porch.

  11. I read every evening before going to sleep. I also enjoy waking up early and reading while having my coffee. In the fall, I especially enjoy reading while sitting on the porch. Great list you have!

  12. I sometimes read on the couch but more in bed than anywhere else cos it helps me rest my back, relax and get comfortable.

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