Nonfiction November- Nonfiction Favourites

I have decided to participate in Nonfiction November! Here is a link to the announcement if you want to join.

Leann is the host for this week and here is the prompt:

We’ve talked about how you pick nonfiction books in previous years, but this week I’m excited to talk about what makes a book you’ve read one of your favorites. Is the topic pretty much all that matters? Are there particular ways a story can be told or particular writing styles that you love? Do you look for a light, humorous approach or do you prefer a more serious tone? Let us know what qualities make you add a nonfiction book to your list of favorites.

Last year I shared by favourite nonfiction titles of 2018 and I think that may give you a good idea of the kind of nonfiction that I love! That said, I feel as though my taste has evolved even more in the last year and I am drawn to all types of nonfiction.

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The topic is indeed important and is what makes me initially drawn to a book, but I think the tone and writing style are what ultimately make a nonfiction book a favourite. A great example of this is I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O’Farrell. I was immediately intrigued by the idea of reading the author’s seventeen brushes with death, but it was the way she told her story that made it memorable for me. She is an incredibly talented writer and I instantly became invested in her story.

I tend to be drawn to memoirs. It is always interesting to learn about someone’s life who is completely different than your own. It is also incredible when you find someone whose story you can relate to. I actually wrote a post about why memoirs matter that explains why memoirs mean so much to me.

I also appreciate narrative nonfiction, where the way it is written almost feels like fiction. Here are some great examples of this:

What makes you fall in love with a nonfiction book?



22 thoughts on “Nonfiction November- Nonfiction Favourites

  1. i also love memoirs and narrative nonfiction! i think because i look for a story even when i’m reading nonfiction. i looove In Cold Blood, and I Am I Am I Am sounds so good!! great post 🙂

  2. I really love how Friday Night Lights is written but I also want to yell at everyone that book there is more in this world than small town football.

  3. You’ve highlighted some of my favorite books here. I love good narrative nonfiction like Into the Wild, In Cold Blood and Flowers of the Killer Moon. And I also find memoirs really inspiring – they show me life through the eyes of someone who has faced different challenges, and sometimes someone who has faced similar challenges to me but has risen high above them! I Am I Am I Am is a really unique book and I thought it was beautiful.

  4. Such a great list! In Cold Blood was one of my favorites last year, and I Am, I Am, I Am is still on my TBR. I also want to read some Krakauer, but am planning to start with his book about Missoula. Writing style definitely helps make a nonfiction a favorite for me as well, in any topic. If it reads like fiction, that’s always a plus!

  5. I like Maggie O’Farrell, but have only read her fiction. Sounds interesting enough. In Cold Blood is also on my list to read. It is interesting to read various kind of nonfiction, although, for me, they have to coincide with my own interests. But there are enough of them!

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