Kristin Kraves Books

First Impression Friday- Beyond the Point


First Impression Friday is hosted by J.W. Martin.

First Impression Friday will be a meme where you talk about a book that you JUST STARTED! Maybe you’re only a chapter or two in, maybe a little farther.

Based on this sampling of your current read, give a few impressions and predict what you’ll think by the end.

Beyond the Point by Claire Gibson

37959896. sy475 Three women are brought together in an enthralling story of friendship, heartbreak, and resilience. Set at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, this is an amazing debut novel.

Duty. Honor. Country. That’s West Point’s motto, and every cadet who passes through its stone gates vows to live it. But on the eve of 9/11, as Dani, Hannah and Avery face four grueling years ahead, they realize they’ll only survive if they do it together.

Everyone knows Dani is going places. With athletic talent and a brilliant mind, she navigates West Point’s predominantly male environment with wit and confidence, breaking stereotypes and embracing new friends.

Hannah’s grandfather, a legendary Army general, offers a stark warning about the dangers that lie ahead, but she moves forward anyway, letting faith guide her path. When she meets her soul mate at West Point, the future looks perfect, just as planned.

Wild child Avery moves fast and doesn’t mind breaking a few rules (and hearts) along the way. But she can’t outpace her self-doubt, and the harder she tries, the further it leads her down a treacherous path.

The world—of business, of love, and of war—awaits Dani, Hannah, and Avery beyond the gates of West Point. These three women know that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But soon, that adage no longer rings true—for their future, or their friendship. As they’re pulled in different directions, will their hard-forged bond prevail or shatter?

I am about 40% in to the audiobook for Beyond the Point and I am enjoying it quite a bit so far. What makes the audiobook so fantastic is that there is a different narrator for each of the three perspectives. It makes you feel like these are real people who are sharing their stories with you.

I am not someone who has read a lot of military fiction so I was not sure what to expecting going into Beyond the Point. I have discovered that I find the military quite fascinating and I am so intrigued by West Point.

The highlight of this book so far is the bond between the three women who we follow. They each have their own voice, their own opinions, and their own beliefs. It takes some time for them to understand one another but they eventually form a strong connection. I am always up for reading books with strong female friendships. These are women who lift each other up in a male dominated environment and it is so awesome and inspiring to read. I think that Beyond the Point is an interesting look at femininity, sexuality, and relationships.

What makes this book heartbreaking is that these girls are sophomores at West Point when 9/11 happens and it completely changes the course of their lives. I just so happened to listen to the 9/11 chapter on September 11th and it was a moving experience.

At the point I am at as of writing we have just skipped ahead a couple years and the girls have graduated. I am both anxious and scared to see what happens next. I know from the prologue that this will rip my heart out!


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