Inside and Out Book Tag

I found this tag on Drew’s blog, The Tattooed Book Geek. He always has a lot of interesting content over there so check him out!

I thought that this tag would be fun because a lot of the questions are original and something different. Let’s jump right in to it!

1. Inside flap/Back of the book summaries: Too much info? Or not enough?

There have definitely been cases where I thought that there was too much info in the summary of a book. This happens quite a bit with thrillers/mysteries. I personally want to know as little as possible and it always catches me off guard when something I would consider a plot twist is spoiled in the summary!

I can not think of a scenario where there wasn’t enough info on the inside flap/back of the book. I would rather go in to a book knowing very little about it rather than knowing too much!

2. New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: Audiobook, E-Book, Paperback, or Hardcover?

It depends on the book! For nonfiction, I prefer audiobooks. Ever since I fell in love with audiobooks, every nonfiction book I read is in that format. It has been amazing because I am not reading nonfiction more than ever before. There is something about it that lends itself well to audio!

For fiction, I enjoy all formats, but my preference is paperback. There is something about being able to hold a physical copy of the novel in my hands and to see them on the shelves that brings me so much joy! While I think hardcovers are pretty, paperbacks are easier to read. I have also noticed that a lot of paperback editions are actually prettier than their hardcover versions!

3. Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, take notes, make comments, or do you keep your books clean clean clean?

I do not! I am often told that my books look like no one has even read them, but that is not a conscious choice- I am just like that with everything in my life! I love when a book looks well-loved with quotes underlines and thoughts in the margin, that is just not how I am. I think that is why blogging has been so great for me, it is a place to write down my thoughts!

4. Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you’re deciding on a book? What if you’re unsure of the author’s gender?

It absolutely makes no difference to me, but I do tend to lean toward books written by women. This is not done on purpose, but I would estimate that 75% of the books I read are written by women. For example, only two of the last ten books I read were written by a man. I am curious to know why that is? Is it because female writers tend to write female main characters, so I relate to them more? Are female written novels receiving more attention, so those are the books that are on my radar? I am sure it is a combination of things!

5. Ever read ahead? or have you ever read the last page way before you got there?

I used to do this when I was younger! I have never been someone who loves suspense. I need to know what happens! I have distinct memories of reading a book and coming to a stressful scene and skipping to end of the chapter to make sure that everyone turns out okay. I resist the urge these days, but the impulse is still there!

6. Organized bookshelves, or outrageous bookshelves?

I admire an organized bookshelf, but mine are an absolute mess. There is no rhyme or reason as to where things go and I just make room for books wherever I can. I do have a couple of shelves with my favourite books, but other than that, there is no organization whatsoever.

7. Have you ever bought a book based on the cover (alone)?

I have done this many times, and it has often worked out in my favour! One that instantly comes to mind is The Ensemble by Aja Gabel. The cover is so striking and vibrant that I just needed it in my life, knowing absolutely nothing about the story itself. The Ensemble ended up being a delight and a book that I rave about often on this blog. There are also cases where this has not worked out for me- namely, The Nest by Cynthia D’Arpix Sweeney has one of the most beautiful covers ever, but the story itself was quite forgettable. Buying a book based on the cover is quite the gamble!

8. Take it outside to read, or stay in?

Here is a picture of me reading outside!

Both, depending on the time of year! As it is currently summertime, I do a lot of my reading outside- either on the beach or sitting on my deck. However, as I am Canadian, summer season is so short for me so the majority of my reading is done inside. I find myself either reading in a bubble bath or in bed. It strange that I very rarely read on the couch.


I tag anyone who is interesting in answering these questions! I am nosy so would love to know how your answers.


14 thoughts on “Inside and Out Book Tag

  1. Ooh interesting post! The first question really made me think. I agree that the synopsis of books tend to reveal too much a lot of the time. And ‘The Ensemble’ has been a book on my radar for a while due to that fantastic cover! I think I may do this tag too now, so thank you for tagging everyone.

    Have a great day –


    1. I wonder what the thought process is behind writing a synopsis. Coincidentally, I’m taking an editing course in September and I know that writing synopsis is part of it. Maybe I’ll write a blogpost about it!

      Isn’t the cover for The Ensemble stunning? So vibrant!

      Looking forward to seeing your answers!

  2. I’m bad for buying books because I LOVE the cover- thankfully, I haven’t been disappointed by the contents very often.
    Canadian here, too! You’re right, our long winters make reading outside all the more precious 🙂

  3. Oh what a fun tag, I love these questions and your answers! Right here with you, I would rather go into a book knowing very little than knowing too much, nothing like a too-detailed synopsis or a spoiler somewhere to ruin a reading experience 🙁 and I love paperbacks best, too, they’re just so much easier to carry around and I love them ahah 🙂

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