Kristin Kraves Books

The Pancake Book Tag


The Pancake Book Tag was making its round awhile ago and I just never got around to doing it! That is ridiculous considering pancakes are one of my favourite foods.


Wild Beauty by Anne-Marie McLemore


These quotes speak for themselves:

Even in its first faint traces, love could alter a landscape. It wrote unimagined stories and made the most beautiful, forbidding places.

Of course he would think the whole glittering universe existed to spin anything he wanted out of stardust. He was a man, and a rich one, and these together made him believe the planets and moons orbited around the single point of his desires.

As though their daughters loving men and women meant they wanted all of them in the world. There was no way to tell their mothers the truth and make them believe it, that hearts that loved boys and girls were no more reckless or easily won than any other heart. They loved who they loved. They broke how they broke.

Loki from Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

I just adore Loki as a character in any form of media but his portrayal in Norse Mythology made me love him even more. He is hilarious and reading about all of his antics was a pure delight. He constantly gets himself if to tight situations and it is entertaining to see how he weasels his way out of them.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I am not someone who rereads often but Pride and Prejudice is one of the few books that I can return to time and time again. I know that it will warm my heart and put me in a better book. It is a story that I absolutely cherish!

The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

The Nickels Boys was such a difficult and heartbreaking read that I just needed to sit in my feelings for awhile after I finished reading it. It is one of those books that is almost impossible to move on from because you won’t be able to stop thinking about it.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

The Secret History is very dark so it feels weird to call it indulgent, but it truly is! The writing is so lush and descriptive, and the characters so sinister that it does feel indulgent in many ways.

Val from Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand

Val is a very complex character and as the story unfolds you begin to understand her more and more. I will not say anything more because I do not want to spoil the book for you! You should definitely read it and get to know Val for yourself!

I Let You Go by Clare Mackinstosh

I always say that I Let You Go is my favourite thriller! There is something that happens that completely took me by surprise and shifted my entire perception of the book. That has never happened to me before or since and it was so much fun to read!

Olive and Ethan from The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

I was not sure that Ethan would be a good match for Olive at first. She misinterpreted their first interaction so she does not have a very high opinion of him at first. As a result, neither does the reader. As the story goes on and they get to know each other more and more you can feel their chemistry and start to see why they are a great match!

Silvie’s Father in Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss

Just thinking about Silvie’s father can make my blood boil. Actually, all the men in this novel were pretty horrible but it is her father who stands out as the worst in my mind. The way he treats his family is deplorable and I kept on waiting for someone to stand up to him!

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

I do not know that you can get a more diverse cast of characters than the ones in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. The fact that it is set in space lends itself well to the author being able to create a lot of diversity in terms of race, species, sexualities, etc. It is so epic! I absolutely adore everything about this novel, but it is the characters who truly shine.

I would love to know your thoughts on any of the books I talked about! And, just for fun, what is your favourite breakfast food?

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