Kristin Kraves Books

Update–Books Everyone but Me Has Read


Over a year ago I wrote a post about a few of the books that I hadn’t read but it seemed as if everyone else had. I thought it might be fun to write an updated post talking about whether or not I have read them yet or if I still plan to in the future. Let’s just jump right in to it!

Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden


This was the book that inspired my initial post, and I am happy to say that I have since read it and loved it. It is one of the most atmospheric novels that I have ever read- I could actually feel the cold setting in my bones. I will admit that I haven’t continued on with the series (I am so bad at finishing series!) but I plan to!

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses is a book that I never truly wanted to read but it is just so hyped and everyone talks about it- I felt like I was missing out on something. I have gotten better at not being tempted by hype and have since removed this one from my TBR. I do think I will ever read a Sarah J. Maas novel- they just are not my thing!

The Giver

The Giver is one of those books that most people read as a kid, but for some reason I never did. I did finally pick it up last summer and, while I enjoyed it, I wish it was something I had read when I was much younger. I think I would have appreciated it more and saw it in a different way.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies is another book I missed out on reading when I was younger and now I just do not think that I will ever get to it. I rarely read classics but there are so many that I want to get to and Lord of the Flies is just not a priority. I think I know enough about the plot to understand any of the references that may come up in other forms of media.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I have watched the first season of the television show and I liked it but subsequent seasons fell apart for me. There are too many books in this series and they are enormous. I was not captivated enough the premise to want to commit myself to that much time and energy.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

I wanted to finally read A Wrinkle in Time because of the movie, which I still haven’t seen. I have since read the book, though! For some reason I did not connect with it and it was a struggle for me at times. This is another case where I think if I had found it when I was younger I would have connected with it more.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Why was I even contemplating reading Thirteen Reasons Why?! No thank you! It has since been removed from my TBR and I have no plans to read it or to watch the TV show.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I am happy to say that I did read Six of Crows and I really enjoyed it. I completely understand why this series is so hyped and it has a great cast of characters. I still have to read the sequel, which I have heard is even better than the first one.

Four out of eight book isn’t too bad! The other four books I no longer have plans on reading. It is interesting to look back on this list because the only two books I was truly excited to read were The Bear and the Nightingale and Six of Crows, which ended up being my favourites!

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