WWW Wednesday (February 6th, 2019)

WWW Wednesday (1)

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words! All you have to do is answers the following three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading-

The Dreamers by Karen Thomson Walker


This book has been everywhere and I just had to read it! I just started but I am very intrigued.  The story is very original and I have high hopes for it.  I can not wait to see where the story goes and what happens to all of these characters. This book seems to have everything that I look for in SciFi.

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo


Poet X is one of my absolute favourite books and I screamed when I was approved for an eARC of With the Fire on High! I tried to resist and read it closer to release date but I caved. I just could not wait! I am absolutely loving it so far, and I am in awe of Acevedo’s ability to create characters I love. I am also really enjoying all the conversation around food.  It is not something I read about very often.

Just Finished- 

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote


I have been wanting to read In Cold Blood for years and I am so glad that I finally did.  I have been on a true crime kick and this book is the first of its kind. The descriptions are wonderful and I was perfectly able to picture the entire scene in my mind.  We really get to know the victims, which makes it that much more difficult to read knowing their fates.  The killers are also completely fascinating, but what I find most interesting is Capote’s obsession with the case.  I highly recommend reading this book and then watching the movie Capote.  Philip Seymour Hoffman is brilliant!

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege


Jennifer’s story is so interesting and I was captivated by it.  She is adopted and as an adult discovers that her birth mother’s father is Amon Goeth, who was a Nazi commandant depicted in Schindler’s List.  I can not imagine what that would be like, and Jennifer really shares her struggles with coming to terms with the news.  She has a hard time reconciling the grandmother that she knew, with the woman who blindly supported Goeth.  I did think that there were moments that were repetitive, but I have a feeling that comes down to the translation.

Reading Next

On the Come Up by Angie Thomas


Of course I had to buy this book when it came out yesterday and I have to read it ASAP! I am so happy for Angie Thomas and I can not wait to get to know Bri and her story.


Have you read any of these books? What did you think?


17 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (February 6th, 2019)

  1. I’m ashamed to admit I still haven’t read the Hate U Give. There is just so much hype around it that it’s putting me off. I am v tempted by On the Come Up too so will be looking out for your review.

  2. I own a copy of In Cold Blood and haven’t had a chance to crack it open yet. Capote is one of those authors I have always wanted to read more of.
    I am jealous that you get to read With the Fire on High. It’s on my TBR. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it.

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