Kristin Kraves Books

Tropes Book Tag


audiobooks (2)

I saw this tag on Sara’s blog The Bibliophagist and I instantly knew that I had to do it! I love talking about and reading about tropes! It is always entertaining to me!

HOPELESSLY DEVOTED | name two characters from separate series that you ship

Wow! This is a tough question! I really tried to wrack my brain for this question but I am stumped. I really wanted to ship Astrid from Crazy Rich Asians with someone but I could not come up with another character who would be a good match and who deserves her!

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS | name a female MC who didn’t need a man to complete her

Rin from The Poppy Wars was the first character that came to my mind! Sure, there are some hints at a romance but she is fiercely independent and it is part of why I was so invested in her.


Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy- does this surprise anyone?!

MENTAL ILLNESS AS A QUIRK | name a book that represented mental illness well

Turtles All the Way Down is by far my favourite John Green novel. The main characters has OCD, as does John Green. It is evident from reading the novel that the author has experience with the disorder- it was so well done. I highly recommend reading some interviews with John Green where he talks about what it is like to live with OCD.

Bonus: If you are looking for non-fiction I really enjoyed Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson

THE CHOSEN ONE | name a main character that did (or almost did) ruin a series for you

I am not a fan of Jace from the Mortal Instruments, and he is definitely one of the main reason I stopped reading the series after book two. I think he is kind of a jerk and in no way swoon-worthy. I was also not a big Clary fan either. It was truly the side characters who shined in that series.

FRIENDS TO LOVERS | name a duo that went from friendship goals to relationship goals

I really loved Monty and Percy in The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue. Seeing their friendship turn into something more was my favourite thing about the book- beside Felicity of course! They have great banter and are just plain adorable.

AMNESIA | name a book you would forget for one reason or another

I think you know my feelings about this book by now. The more I think about it, the more angry it makes me. I wish I could forget the fact that Reese Witherspoon ever picked this horrible book for her book club, because I absolutely love her otherwise!

BAD BOYS | name your favorite villain

I do not read a ton of books with villains but I had to go with AIDAN from The Illuminae Files for this question. For an AI, it is very complex and conflicting. One of the most interesting villains I have ever read!

MISSING PARENTS OR ADULTS | name a book that could’ve benefited from a bit of parental guidance or adult supervision

I had almost forgotten that I had even read this book! The whole point is that the characters throw a party when their parents are out of town, so if there was parent supervision this book wouldn’t exist…

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