Kristin Kraves Books

2019 Reading Challenges


Series I Have Started andHope to Finish (1)

I am planning on participating in a few challenges in the new year, and I wanted to share them with you! I am hoping that this will hold me accountable to follow through! I have never been someone who is good a sticking to challenges or resolutions.  Hopefully, 2019 is the year that changes!

Book Riot’s 2019 Read Harder Challenge

I have been wanting to participate in Book Riot’s challenge for awhile now and I have finally decide to commit to it! There are a series of prompts that encourage you to diversify your reading and to read outside of your comfort zone.  Many people participate, so I think it will also be a great way to connect with other readers! I am really excited about the prompts this year!

I am looking for recommendations for epistolary novels, self-published novels, and books written in prison! Any suggestions you have would be awesome!

I might write a post sharing all of my recommendations for each of the prompts if that is something you would be interested in!

2019 Beat the Backlist

Beat the Backlist is a challenge hosted by Novel Knight and it is a great way to get through books that have been on your TBR for ages!

What is a “backlist” book, you may ask? This is any book that has already been released. For the purposes of this challenge, this is any book published in 2018 or earlier. If you have books on your TBR from 2018 and before, then this is the challenge for you.

I am really excited to be joining this year because there have been books sitting unread on my shelves for YEARS that I really want to get to.  This challenge will give me that extra motivation that I need to finally pick them up! A few of these books include American Gods by Neil Gaiman, The Opposite of Marriage by Alice Hoffman, and Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff!

There is also a fun Hogwarts Mini Challenge that I will be joining and of course I will be part of the Hufflepuff house! Here is a link to that mini challenge if you also want to participate.

Goodreads Challenge

I have been participating in the Goodreads Challenge every year since 2013, and 2019 will be no different! I always set my goal to 52 book, which is one a week! This is pretty low pressure for me and I more than doubled that this year, but I find if I set it too high it can start to stress me out.  Reading should be fun and I never want to feel like I have to speed through a book just to meet a challenge.  I do love the Goodreads Challenge though because it is an easy way for me to keep track of the books that I read during the year!

2019 Discussion Challenge

Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently mentioned that she was taking part in a Discussion Challenge which is hosted by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight and Nicole @ Feed Your Addiction! I thought this was a great idea, and if I can write discussion posts that are half as good as Marie’s I will be thrilled!

Here is a link where you can find all of the details!  The basic goal is to write more discussion posts throughout the year, which is definitely something I want to work on.

Do you participate in any reading challenges? If so, which ones?! I would love to know!

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