Kristin Kraves Books

Five Books on My Summer TBR



Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm. This week’s topic is about summer reading recommendations, but I already posted something similar which you can read here. I have decided to talk about five books on my Summer TBR instead! As many of you already know, I am terrible at sticking to TBRs! That said, I think choosing five books I really want to read over the next few months is definitely doable.

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

Doesn’t this cover just scream summer? It looks like a book that is meant to be read while sitting on the beach. Lauren Groff is an author I have heard talked about quite a lot and I have been meaning to read one of her books for awhile now. Fates and Furies is about a twenty-four year long marriage told from the perspective of both spouses. That definitely sounds interesting! I am also hoping to get my hands on a copy of her newest collection of short stories called Florida, and read it this summer.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

I have had Salt to the Sea sitting unread on my shelves since December, but I have had it on my TBR for much longer than that! I know I am going to absolutely love it, but since I read The Nightingale last summer and was disappointed, I decided maybe I need to take a break from WWII fiction. It has been awhile since I read one and I am ready to finally get back in to the genre! This book has been recommended to me many times so I know it is the perfect book to start with!

The Women in Sunlight by Frances Mayes

Frances Mayes is the author of Under the Tuscan Sun, which is a book I have not read, but a movie that I loved! The cover of this book screams summer, and the story follows four women who start off as strangers but form a bond while visiting Italy. I adore books centered around the forming of friendships, and I will read pretty much anything if it set in Italy. So excited about this one!

The Amateurs by Liz Harmer

I started The Amateurs back in April, and was really enjoying it, but caught distracted by I’ll Be Gone in the Dark! I decided that the pineapple on the cover screams summer and I would just save it to read then. I am excited to get back in to this story, which is completely original and I have a good feeling about it.

Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway

After I read Far From the Tree by Robin Benway, I knew that I would read anything that she writes. I received Emmy & Oliver from a giveaway hosted by Chrissi Reads and I knew that I had to save it for summer. There have been so many times where I was tempted to pick it up but I have a feeling it is going to be the perfect book to read poolside! I am so ready!

Are you a seasonal reader? What is the number one book on your Summer TBR?

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