Sunshine Blogger Award


I was nominated by the wonderful Ellyn @ allonsythornraxx! Thank you so much!!


  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

01 Do you listen to audiobooks?

I don’t! I have tried but I just can not get in to them! If anyone has any suggestions of fantastic audiobooks I would love to know!

02 Do you structure your bookshelves? (genre, colour, author…etc)

Honestly I don’t! I have books everywhere- at this point I just put a book where it fits! I keep my series together, and author’s books together but it is not in alphabetical order or anything.

03 How do you feel about comics and graphic novels?

I grew up reading Archie comics so I absolutely love them! I have not read a graphic novel though! I really want to read Saga or Lumberjanes!

Finally an excuse to use a gif of Jughead!

04 Unpopular opinion! Which popular book or series don’t you like?

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon! I think she is a great writer and the book had potential to be great but I just can not get behind the ending!

05 Summarize you last read in 5 words.

Grumpy man with a heart. (Can you guess the book?!)

06 Do you participate in readathons?

I haven’t yet but I would love to! I just need to find the time!

07 Do you snack while reading?

Not typically!

08 Where do you like to read?

Everywhere and anywhere that I can really! In bed or the bathtub are where I commonly read.  I have been lucky enough to be able to read on the beach these last couples weeks and I love it!


09 Apples or Oranges?

Oranges! I used to be allergic to apples so I still kind of avoid them.

10 Recommend a diverse read!

A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee! It is my most recent diverse read and I loved it.  I know this book has been everywhere lately but I had to mention it.  Another book that I read this year and loved is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.

11 Spread the love! Which blogs have you followed recently?

Coffee Loving Bookoholic

The Brunette Bookworm Blog

Reading with Jessica


I loved the questions Ellyn asked! I am not going to tag anyone because I have done a lot of tags/awards lately and don’t want to annoy people!


15 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. I loved your answers! I’m glad I gave you an excuse to use a Jughead gif!
    I’ve heard the Illuminae audiobook is amazing, also if you want audiobook recs you should check out the booktuber BetweenChapters.
    I also finished The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue recently, it was soo good!

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