Soul Ripping Romance

I Dare You Book Tag (1)I was tagged by Donna @ Moms Book Collection– one of my favourite bloggers! I was so excited to be tagged for this one! Who doesn’t love to gush about their favourite romantic couples!

The Guide:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and create a pingback to the original author – Nel at Reactionary Tales.
  • Share at least 5 (but more are welcome) romances that tugged your heart strings. They can be from books, movies, TV shows, manga; anything you can think of! They can be examples of sad tears, angry tears, happy tears or a combination of all three.
  • Nominate 5 (or more) people to share their emotional traumas
  • (Note: Try not to spoil the story for your readers in case they would like to check out these romances on their own)34253-NZHWOK

Mary Queen of Scots & King Francis

Image result for queen mary and king francis reign

Aren’t they adorable?! They are from the CW show Reign- which is a favourite of mine! This couple has been through so much, and their story is so tragic. Somehow through it all they remain insanely in love. If you have any interest in the Tudors, and honestly even if you don’t, I encourage you to give Reign a chance- so that you can swoon over this couple as much as I do!

Image result for mary and francis quotes


Jamie Sullivan & Landon Carter

This is a long time favourite couple of mine.  My younger self would put on A Walk to Remember whenever I needed a good cry.  I always had a thing for the bad boy who deep down has a good heart. I loved that they both brought out another side of each other.  Just a really sweet, and heartbreaking romance.

Image result for landon carter quote


Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet

You knew this was coming! They are my favourite couple of all time! So swoon-worthy! Once in a while I will Youtube scenes from this movie just when I want the feels. I have gushed about these two often so I will stop now…This ending though!


Luke & Lorelai

It takes them forever to finally get together but the wait was so worth it- then Luke goes and screws it all up! Thankfully, The Year in the Life gave me all the answers I needed! I adore their banter. When he makes her a hoopa for her wedding I just melted!

Image result for luke and lorelai quote


Jake & Ennis

I was blubbering like a baby by the end of this movie! I knew the ending was coming but I still was not prepared.  I was rooting for their happy ending!


I Tag:

Wrecked My Eyes Reading

Chic Nerd Reads

Untitled design

16 thoughts on “Soul Ripping Romance

  1. Yes, yes, yes to Mary and Francis! I love those two so much and they warmed and broke my heart simultaneously. To this day, I still ship them even if history doesn’t allow it, haha

      1. By far the best relationship! I didn’t like Kenna and Bash’s as much just because I could not bring myself to like Kenna as a character? While their relationship was very cute, I didn’t necessarily approve of it, haha

  2. Brokeback Mountain broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.

    I’m so curious about Reign now! Looks so interesting!

  3. Oh you made my day, happy to be one of your favorite bloggers!!! Oh my goodness i totally forgot about Jamie Sullivan & Landon Carter that was/ is one of my favorite movies.

    1. It’s true! I am always happy to see one of your posts in my feed! 😊

      I was actually trying to come up with ideas for this tag and asked my mom’s opinion. She said “what is that really annoying movie you used to watch all the time” and then she sang the Mandy Moore song. I had to laugh! 😅

      1. Well, i am happy i am doing a good job so far! I always feel i need to work more on it lol

        Oh that is funny, i got my husband to some what help with my list.

      1. So WordPress cut off the rest of my comment! Weird, but I did say that I loved how they finally got together in the end! I loved a Year in the Life, it really was what the fans needed (minus that ending, I hated that!)

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