Kristin Kraves Books

Top Ten Tuesday- Most Anticipated Reads for the Rest of 2017!


Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme that was created over at The Broke and the Bookish! I have loved readings these posts for a long time and I am so excited to finally participate! I found a lot of great upcoming releases while researching books for this weeks topic! My TBR just got a whole lot bigger…


  1. Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana– September 12, 2017 Looks at this cover! The title has the word library in it! I am sold! (Young Adult, Fantasy)
  2. Warcross by Marie Lu– July 18, 2017- I have to admit something- I have never read anything by Marie Lu… but I really want to! This sounds so interesting! (Young Adult, Science Fiction)
  3. Because You Love to Hate Me by a whole bunch of authors and booktubers- July 11, 2017– This sounds so amazing! I love that authors and booktubers have collaborated.  It is also all about villains which is incredible! (Young Adult, Fantasy)
  4. The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones- August 8, 2017- The main character makes a deal with a demon.  That is something I want to read about! (Young Adult, Paranormal)
  5. A Map for Wrecked Girls by Jessica Taylor– August 15, 2017- I love reading stories about sisters- which is weird considering I do not have a sister… (Young Adult, Contemporary)
  6. Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popovic– August 15, 2017- This cover is so fun! It is also a duology which I always appreciate! I have seen so many great reviews for this one! (Young Adult, Fantasy)
  7. The Disappearances by Emily Bain Murphy– July 4, 2017- “What if the ordinary things in life suddenly…disappeared? This looks like a haunting book! The reviews that I have seen about it have only made me even more excited! (Young Adult, Fantasy)
  8. Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore– October 3, 2017– I do not know a lot about this book but the cover alone makes me want to read it! It is everything I love in a book cover! (Young Adult, Fantasy, Magical Realism)
  9. Whichwood by Tahereh Mafi– November 14, 2017- I haven’t even read Furthermore but this book looks so good! The cover is amazing too! (Young Adult, Fantasy)
  10. Hum If You Don’t Know the Words by Bianca Marias– July 11, 2017- One of my favourite genres is historical fiction.  This book is also set in South Africa, and I do not think I have ever read a book set there before! (Fiction, Historical)

What are your most anticipated books for the rest of the year? If you participated in this weeks TTT please let me know!

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